Friday, February 5, 2021


The definition is to be in a state of abscence or leave without notice.

In the military a leave of absence is granted for specific personal according to their situation. The time allows coverage for this solidier to return; after their acknowledged in appearance of an absence.

In the streets of every hood; its ocurring to happen right now. Wherever hands are extended and time is non valued. And fear is the greatest factor; during the immediate exit. 

In Wars the soldier does not retaliate immediately. Soldiers plan and are lead in appearances by leadership. To perform under pressure in order to survive the enemies plotted plans. And exit out to freedom.

Under every suit or dress; an effort is being put in motion. By the human being wearing it presented with a presentation. Prior to an exit; but not before  a conversation.

In this life to validate an effective form of communication; we must respect it is a 2 way setting. And in the event a confrontation occurs for a non-effective form of communication; be prepared or remain in a state of denial.  Of what we created around the  atmosphere; resulting in a conversation of AWOL in another setting. 

Small Children

Before there was the birth of babies; there was two types of human beings on earth. The Holy Bible described them at their births; by their names of Adam & Eve. In humanity our eyes relate to these types as male & female or man & woman.

In the beginning there was God & Angels including Satan. And under a tree stood this Adam & Eve. Until a stranger approached and deceived them both. By using Eve to lower this man to eat a piece of that forbidden fruit. Adam was already warned; the apple was filled with poison.

In the beginning there was no children. Until God called a fetus into this females womb. And no science throughout the history of man can prove in truth of how the creation of the internal organs came about into this female or male. However, before man was created there was the provision of commandments written in words to live bye in this world. These two male & female would be given instructions with a sense of knowledge to read them. And no man in history can prove where this understanding in knowledge was created. 

One day babies were conceived with the help of this male & female. Are how else can we explain or prove how these tiny human beings made it into the world. Science states studies based on synopsis and facts. But in reality who can show us in truth of how the world was created by the hands of man? 

If the life span of a male or woman is not for life. Then how can we debate or deny there is no God? Then who brought humanity into this world?

Our entire lives we have debated in heated discussions  the possibility & the limitations of mans hands and direction in leadership. Then whose hands could of performed the shape and images that fill the pattern of this designed world we live in. Knowing man or woman, male or female did not create themselves.

When I carried my son Dom in my womb. Science told me his birth gender. Inside my body this tiny human took form. Until one day Dom could not fit into my body any more. Overtime I talked with my baby & watched him stretch; into the size of an Adam.

One day our Adams mated with an Eve and concecrated. Then birth unto this earth their seeds planted inside of this woman.

One day life happened. And man & woman deceived one another. This time its was not under that Tree of Life that began with the creation of Adam & Eve. It was the story of that stranger whom appeared &  planted a conversation with cruel intentions. And if this really happened who can prove this stranger never existed. And why did Adam & Eve figure out they were both exposed; in their nakedness of the world.

I mention Small children; as we were once children ourselves born into a world innocent as sheep; guided by our Adams & Eves. Until one day a stranger appeared & deceived our entire families. 

When my sons life was taken. The truth was revealed about the craftsmanship of the evil works for the investment of over 14 years. The children were divided throughtout the story on both sides. During a transition of passing through Revelations; amongst chaos, rebellion, spite & silence. So as in the days of the stories of Rebekah, Sampson & Delilah, and in Kings 3:16 when both woman fought there will be 1 out of spite and the other who shows love, as Sodom & Ghommorah rebelled against God. And in the End Times of these Covid-19 Days it will be because of that betrayal between Judah & Jesus. Who exposed everything & ALL involved. So humanity will see there was a reasoning in the division of Adam & Eve a birth to this entire generation of their legacy.

We dont have to believe in one another. We dont owe each other anything. However, we owe ourselves the truth in all the lies we have covered up over generations; of whom we will serve if not in God "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light" even in the midst of Satans betrayal and Mans denials. 

Ghost Writer-Dominique White, 1991-Jan.15.2020.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...