Friday, February 12, 2021




This evening watching this family show; the main focus was spoken on HOPE. In a world of discouraging behaviors, and challenging barriers. How do we shield or expose the truth to our children. 

In this episode of what I caught near the beginning; both of the parents shared a difference in opinion. But they respected one another in communications in life changing views of information to the children of what HOPE should look like & the reality of what FEAR is really about. In a society of the world we see of bleakness & uncertainties. But so do our children of all ages. So one of the parents took to a defense of what should be spoken to the children. Regarding the fear factors on the opposite side of the door of the safe space any mother with strong concerns would hide of the world; to secure her children. Because the reality is even though the truth is not spoken; it does not mean its non existent. Of  the disadvantages and prejudices that the dad exposed in concern to his children. Of real information in of the Powers that could be used against them. In a society of 1 determining factor; of whether they live or die. No matter what walls they live behind. Inequality is a dangerous factor for them, in comparison to any other race in this world of dangerous algorithms of inequal justice's.

I remember a conversation with my gc’s mothers this was after my sons death; it was as if they harbored a rebellious spirit. And that was not my real concern. I stand firm with my son. And acknowledge  our differences in wisdom & knowledge. And how the barriers crossed in disrespect can cause immature clapback. We could waste time blaming our differences beginning with parental directions in us All,  and life experiences we have or not. But the reality is time is getting late; and this will not be a competition no one will in. This is a time of real survival and strong focus is required. Now that any biological father or mother is no longer here. To share the reality of  life with his or her own small children.  Of who and why all children  will be exposed to life in a different world. And due to his or her absence its imperative every child should know all their families. To ensure they are mentally empowered and not harbored from wisdom and knowledge. Of how the logistics of Power in the real world  works against us in injustices and even in our own society; no matter if you survived a circumstance, are how loud we bark or manage to think we have out thought the process. No one can out run time. When it comes to our conduct, understanding and  resilience to change. We must be more mindful of what has not been exposed to All. To remain reserved in our mindsets. Not knowing we are at a disadvantage for what we have not learned or accepted until it happens tp us for no reasoning. So we lose a sense of hope instead of attempting to hide if not denie our children a real conversation.

If we choose to ignore another call or respond attentively to another who has proven to deny us in arrogance. Dont lose  HOPE because of your actions in decisions. Find a reason to adjust your focus.      

For every story there is an Arthur who writes mysteries, love stories if not his or her own novels. And in them.we  can’t shield them behind bolted doors and plastered walls, block calls and attitudes and minimum conversations. While depending on people who entertain us with lies; until we are faced with the truth. And if the COVID-19 has not revealed to us who we have become in our own strengths, and weaknesses, if not a united NATION; it’s time we re-evaluate what’s in this life worth fighting for. In case change is Totally Dependent on US.


The Author is a significant title; this person is a mediator, narrator, or main character who has a unique skill in bringing the writing in short stories alive, creator of blogs, real characters present their monologues, writers advertise editorials, while newspapers  sale off the news stands. And millions of Best Selling Novels are in movement around the world. 

Who is this Arthur of creativity in vision. Who uses his or her hands with the stroke of a keyboard, paper and pen?

Who are the characters in the stories an Arthur writes about. And who are the readers who either end up on a page. If not invited by a story that relates to their life's?

It is you, I, and them. We feed into one anothers story, idea or  sources of information. Then presented to the world of Fiction & Nonfiction  stories. 

My grandmother wrote letters until the age of 88. I spent the summers learning chores off the land. But I also watched her with every stroke of her pen. And listened with anticipation of learning more to how a story line begins to every end. And what I noticed was with each letter she wrote it was different in style. Because every line did not repeat in wording. It was a rhythm that flowed on every line to the recipents of a response. And once I had my own son. I talked with him in such a tone. Of whatever he initiated of a conversation. He would listen for at least 1hr if not 20min in silence. He also did this form of communication to bond with his own children. For 28 years we both took away from every phone call if not a text "God bless soul". A style of communicating from one Arthur to the next.

My point is this not every statement will be acknowledged with an answer or another question. However if direction is sought stick with the recipients dialogue. For not every letter or book will be written by one Arthur in this life. Why, because not all stories are written based on facts. Or real stories may never be heard. However the story should present some answers. But not without an established relationship of informative  conversation. Because not every letter written by the Author will address a multitude if not a few in the audience in the same or different directions.

In this life we all have our stories to tell. Either you will be The Arthur of your own  Chapter if  not Novels, are maybe a reader of many books that either relates to a relationship of sourced information. Or the Arthur's  writing has attracted you to a story hook. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...