Saturday, February 13, 2021


 A muscular organ the size of a fist. In reality the heart is a working component that keeps us alive; and there are main functions this heart of ours is responsible for (1) receiving deoxygenated blood, (2) recycling it through the lungs, and (3) supplying oxygenated blood to the body. Of  (4) four inner chambers; two atria and two ventricles. 

As we approach Valentine's Day it is not required for us ALL to celebrate this day. Some are no longer in the present to celebrate the future. So we could or should encourage one another to celebrate this day; everyday with a gift, kind word are just show more appreciation for each other. The truth is many hearts are either; broken don't overlook in children, LONELY, abandoned, bitter if not betrayed. But some of us still possess a heart of Joy & Passion. So if we can allow our minds to view this day from a different perspective. We could start out with tiny baby steps;  

Going forward by taking a few steps back; to allow our hearts more room to heal with patience. To show our children and one another; what is it about this love we understand in ourselves. Before we drastically bombard another person with expecting this love back; ASAP. It’s amazing how a child loves without limitations. But still cares for the other person who hurts them. And yet we are mature enough to know the difference as adults. To not expect Love until we have learned in Love of who we are. Then some of us may figure out we really never knew or experienced real love at ALL. Are even  taught how to sincerely show love; at ALL.

So when people jump off the ledge in finding HOPE in Love; and open up the doors to their lives. We must be more cautious of what is it about this LOVE we have not figured out; of what we first love in our children if not ourselves. And once the word Love is said so freely; it will leave people bitter, cold and angry. When its Love that should leave US feeling; priceless. 

When Dominique deceased on Jan 15, 2020 (8:15am); it was weird people assumed LOVE was the word of the day. Everybody wanted to be loved on. And said it as if it meant more on this day, than the last 364 days in a year. No offense to any young man, adult  or woman who ask out of the BLUE “you don’t won’t nobody”? I said to both, it took for me to grow out of those Cinderella dreams and raised my only son. I watched him 28years accept the real value is being responsible & accountable. As a young man to transitioning into the man & stand in the life of your children. So the day when he says “love”, and once a woman thinks she understands the word and value of wanting to have this LOVE. Its going to happen for love is not successful around arguments & arrogance for anyone; So here is my answer at the same timeline "of all these configurations about love without the actual action". I will answer back with I had to work and sacrifice to grow into this body of a woman I became; from once being that young girl & mother. So no I don’t need any type of man especially a broken hearted person. And it takes time to identify with and respect people who have been tarnished if not broken. That need in SNAP CHAT moment or a circumstance of convenience of wanting something out of somebody. And real people who have accepted I need somebody, not just limited to a physical BODY to grow with and figure out how to establish communications and build on that; first. Now we are working towards a solid foundation.  Age is not a factor until you figure out at the early stages its not about one's self; creating obligations before committing to the journey will cause animosity and heartache. So every Valentine's Day is a special day. If we work through the prior 364 days out a year; on ourselves first. 


During this cold * flu season be sure to stack up on vitamin C & D. While being safe grab some for the kids. 

And just in case you are in a galiant mood sliding accross the icy roads or dashing through the winds of Jack Frost,  summer traffic or maybe snatching as many items as you can off the grocery shelf; consider for a second to check in on that neighbor. Or a single parent with small children going stir crazy. Are just maybe an elder; someone or your own. To ask or say I thought of you or your family while I was driving bye. Im sure this is something you may need. If not today maybe tomorrow. Now stay safe and keep warm in these unprecedented times we are destined to pass one another again; or on another journey that is meant for either me or you to sew a seed just because.

We use the phrase; uncertainties throughtout our conversations. Whether we cross each other in passing or watch someone saying it on television. If not seeing the concern in people's eyes. This uncertainty is being broadcasted all around the world.

If you sacrifice for someone else during these uncomfortable cold or hot summer days; you might be surprised on another day. The seeds you sew will come back to you. 

If we work in fear we question our faith and God's almighty power. And if we deny faith and believe in man we live in fear of questioning the uncertainties in every minute on the hour. And if you have made a bad decision and found yourself disconnected from a giving source; forgive yourself and then make the right call. But if you are the initiator of a call in response to a desperate concern or behavior in reckless choices. Talk to God if not someone else who knows the real reasoning in the business in knowing why our eyes are blinded. Where the truth hurts regarding  the rebellious in heart. You will always find denial of whoever operates or encourages A state of blindness.

Psalm: 71


The sound is so encouraging; although it is very early this morning. I can hear small children laugh. A sign they are loved and happy.

My grandmother always told me, to continue smiling. And the world will smile back at you. I said that its possible. How does this make since?

My grandmother said happiness and peace comes from within. And try to not allow situations and people rob you of your joy. Because God can change anything or anyone. I said what if some people are non-believers, bitter & broken. She said thats not your issue. Pray for them and keep it moving. God did not intend for us to fix people. But if you continue to do the right things; continue to encourage a few by talking to a multitude.

My son always started a text or phone call with "mom", I knew something was up. I said son what is today. He said I want to get my Princess 1 last special item for Christmas. I said son its Xmas eve swing by Target; kids are most interested in your appearance not so much of Gifts. Its our parental teachings and expectations we place upon them. He proceeded to say what about everyone else. I said son focus on what you have. Christmas is only 1 day a year. You give in redundancy including your mental energy to all around you. And since we made this day about receiving; share with people of what they keep choosing of not to sacrific of 364 days a year. So when they have no money or anything tangible gift to give in this life. We can appreciate one another with love & respect then Laugh about it later. But for the children go all out with no regrets. I remember he laughed to the top of his lungs my son Dominique saying "mom" you crazy. I responded Lord did not allow me to bare bad fruit in crying & sacrificing in those required seasons of my entire life. That you also are the image of responsibilities and a father that is a loving man. So in the end there will not be one reason you are these children will have to beg for bread. For the same God will allow us to bare good fruit in this life; and much Laughter at the end of it. 

After my sons death. I immediately gathered his children, and cousins. It was 7 in all. I even invited the mothers to join in our family gatherings as well. And on Wednesday nights I started out with all children a welcome to do homework with pizza and laughter. So know one is my Arthur. For years this is how my family operates. As a mother with many hats our motto is no child in this family; gets left behind. Because in this life of every season it will involve; a personal change & many sacrifices. And no family is exempt from the shift.

One morning on our staycations. And for the record not all people who are willing to make a sacrifice. Will do it in the form of money. It seems we must be reminded of our previous situations before placing higher expectations on anyone else. Are else the blessing will be missed. Moving forward. I had the baby girls cooking breakfast. Of course I prepped so they don't burn up my kitchen. Baby boy likes to sweep with a broom taller than him. The other two kingsman love electronics so I hide them. The boy cousins I call them my minnie genius. They love the kids in a smaller package. As they watch over each other. While they gather their clothes and blankets to fold & brush their teeth, and grease their mugs. And all through the house are images on the walls. Of daddy holding all these angels. His belongings flow in every room. So these children never have to miss knowing their father was loved; and so are they. So one day the oldest was eye balling me run around playful with all the kids is when he said to me "nana you are my big toy". I said son where is my battery today "nana need a super charge today". He said as he watched a tear drop from my eye. You know your son belong to God, first. I say touche minnie Dominique. And one day you will again be separated from me. Of course for adult reasonings. But in this season remember how I said God will never leave us in a moment without Laughter. This is when we must possess faith in Trusting The process. For in every time there is a season & purpose under the sun. If it were not so then why are we still here.

If you have not connected with Laughter today. Talk to God if not someone who does not mind; sharing with you in this season of uncertain times. For a tree is known by the fruit it bares. While Man creates an atmosphere of animosity. But wisdom is spoken from the mouth of babes. I seek laughter even when there is silence. And this morning those children laughing was God alarming me to RISE; again. 



Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...