Tuesday, February 16, 2021

American Skin

Not one story writes history. It's the real life stories; that makeup our history.
The false reality is that what was not seen r made up. never really happened. Assume everything that has happened in life; was a code the entire time. where it is estimated of time calculated in real life. Where our struggles in life existed prior to mankind's prediction of every move that would be made; over the history of mankind. Two types of titles exist leaders & followers, protectors and oppressors. From every beginning & ending of life. So what is it about education that is inevitable r feared in mankind. Incest in generations of  humanity that is being passed down. To next of all generations? In this skin we wear of every race of our human self's.

For generations it's the division that drive the argument over accountability & one's self truth; then for generations what is  humanity struggling with. Of what is chosen of to deny in what remains unchanged in the human naked eyes. 

To judge each other is not to judge one's self in accountability. Where we debate to show ourselves remorse. However, continue to shout out on platforms and society. We are the human race that exist in this life. We are the products of birth in all nations of people. In which our mothers and father's accross nations of mankind; cohabitated to breed life through birth. In a life we exposed our own angered aggression of what is inherited of our own human choices. Life did not promise permanent residency here on earth. Life did not promise people do not change. although Mankind was given options to prosper with each other on earth. Even in this moment humanity remains divided.

How has humanity gotten off course? And directed our own races of children to adults towards this argument over poverty & wealth of a mindset. When knowledge is the key to breaking the barrier; mankind insist to not share of knowledge. Which has exposed generations of lies & unremovable truth. Of why and who "could of, But chose not to teach many the differences". Not All human struggles are necessary to pass down to the next of generations. Why should the children carry on their small shoulder's at the date of their birthrights. To live in another generation justifying so much destruction, chaos,  incest, lies and death; in a life of what in reality remains broken in all humanity?

The day we fear one another as the threat. Is the day we struggle to " feel more empathy &  forgiveness". Where on this platform to who appears to communicate; in any form of respect..Of what is it we debate. Regarding ourselves in this human skin we stretch in. And our laws will expose its inadequate flaws. even in it's own judicial systems that. judge humanity in it's own existence. And no justice is not always fair. Or neither are the injustices reasonable once we kill each other. In genociding our own races of people.

Yes, my son was robbed of his life by a black man. In this life of "Sin, verses the prayers of Grace and Mercy". In the physical his children will bare a repeat of generations in past history. The absence of their birthright "dad, friend, a father". In an environment of arranged onlookers and associations. Establishing their own contradicting opinions, debated views. as in every community it's diluted and mentally sheltered of what is educated of truth verses false influences. To later in life find the balance in "one's self". That is destined to lead us all down an alternate path. Because of the personal experiences to bridge the gap of our individual understandings. And about what happens in real life. Remember being are not equally yoked; it's the real people that cohabitate in all of human history. Unfortunately this living human being, crossed paths with time over history. In an area that lacked years of physical leadership in support of the environment, interaction of police engagements in a community needing observation for growth. And appearances at schools educating how to reach "progression in growth". Where climate control, socialization and boundaries of economics & colorism affect the dynamics of youth in anytype of environment. This absence & diligence in security; to educate what is gang awareness. That has progressed in every environment. Of every race and age. And where economics is invested for infrastructure still no education are humanitarian relief in 2020. However, amongst  neighborhoods you can establish a sense of awareness in areas of organizations of community watchers. Occupied with real families of every racial decent. There is the working class established. And public servicers of community services. Also, is a culture classified in diversity of human accomplishments & human disparities. Why, to not resolve the issue, results into situations. Results in lack of communication, economics. Knowledge forms unity. If not shifts the balance in people. No matter the increments of money are social statuses. Specifically where there is a recorded history on record of repeated violence, insufficient equality to access  economics. Why, is access & knowledge detrimental. Why, is  understanding the checks & balances in politics crucial. The burden of proof is Jails, domestication of anytypes, can result violence. And intentional acts of noninvolvement does not grow, but hardens the structure in communities & divide families. However, providing the accessible tools to educate one's self if not the community. Is the mental wealth that is even bartered from our own growth. So, no one questions the WHY.  instead let's debate with each other. Because where there is a question of moral & confusion. The mental compass passes down to generations of it's own bondage. As violence continues to increase across our "structured" bordered lines. We remain titled "black people", in this country expected to not react to anytype of human violence even towards "ourselves", as other people react with perceptions & disrespect in force all over the world. On this Land of Free America, humanity all around the world watches the "Sin". And judges the mentality towards each other. And if any one challenges another person about the internal insanity we cohabitate in. First, research the controversial rhetorical history; created in mankind of how we debate, one Humanity. And two forms of human survival exist; either we surrender in submission to each other. Are fight each other. All over the world.

I have been asked to express "How angry am I". Before I answered the question I considered the "Sin in the world", then how I would respectfully respond, "with not a no r yes, this time". If you r given 1 opportunity in this life. Be truthful to one's self, regarding the world's truth. The biblical history of Adam & Eve. The history of Humanity. Is every behavioral act in life we contributed to as a people. And for decades on these same steps of where my only son's blood was shed; he grew up in this same neighborhood of families. And if we the people say "it takes a village", then who is harvesting the fruits we bare? So, I considered who perished of our own people. So we may feel mentally free in our talking on our freedoms. Our father's who serviced war's. Our mother's who kept the home on a solid foundations. Our grandparents who refuse to debate; our hidden internal history. Our uncle's and aunt's who lived through the story, to tell the real story. So intellectually we would speak on the ownership. That each and every person should own in this life; of their personal experiences.

In a new Generation of right now; children in all races of mankind is perishing. I considered every black & brown child & resident at home that early Wednesday morning "MLK day". The faces in that environment of community. faces that waivered. Why, and who is next to share what are we talking to each other; about. But definitive on who is leaving of a human legacy. I stood to tell the masses with no reservation of who my only son was. And about our real agape love, life struggles & human scars. Our history of facts in human stories. My son perished on Jan 15th, as a leader. He was raised surrounded in love. And to believe nothing is impossible where you apply yourself, regardless of life's hardhips. And regarding love; son's & daughters don't be naive. It's neither penitrated, vibrated are negotiated no matter the human title. He competed in chess, on record Young Arts Institute in Education, UNT Hampton Rd. This young black man, driven and raised to be self motivated. So intellectually he did not hesitate to speak his mind and showed "Accountability, across the lines". Slow to judge with silence, but fed many hungry for human compassion. "The Burden of Proof" is just our lives simplied by the relationships he respectfully protected in private. This extroverted young black man was an highly known acquaintance over his life span. In many community's he contributed his zest of compassion. Did this human being have faults, yes he was aware of his own. We live in a world of "Sin", not perfection. However, he was noted to speak outloud in observance as he  ministered; until that morning of his last breath. In the same places of society we watch each other. This son was taught to stay true to himself. Answer only to God, but "fear no man" in life. We teach our children to blend in the environment you are in, but it's life that will educate these same youth to adults. This is now your real world. In these streets people and things change in the blink of an eye. Life repeats itself in any environment. Now we know, about our own skin. And what it takes to feed a village of people. And why "wisdom is not limited to an entourage or associations, plaques and paper". In a life of every society we keep silencing by attempting plots to kill the truth. To stall growth is a freewill in ourselves. So who is raising our children? As we debate "Sin". Young black men are perishing, mother's of all races and ages also need mental support, a sense of security and provisional direction. And time is still needed to grasp. More understanding in how history continues repeating itself. As we curse one another over our own human ways. In the blink of an eye we devalue each other, about our own "human struggles, often we created. My son had a saying " people got issues with themselves, because we all don't get it at the same time". I would reply, "our human scars is not each other's burden to carry". In a world of strangers watching to judge "us all". Over generations to many continue this fight over who has, should of are not.  And in this generation so many young. This attitude in shrewd behaviors. And yes, it's debated of who is the makeup in every race. But the focus is on who is the minority. When we are losing father's, mother's, elders and children. Behind struggles that is a part of  all human history. However, we can educate what is inherited of our own struggles in life. Not encourage deceit, jealousy and spite. masking why nobody cared about if you lived are survive. No family members jury are judge can cure "abandonment and a history of lies". So what's ahead for the next generation; mankind's greatest nemesis; his r her own internal fears. 

In every case of race, culture and social injustices. The Facts are presented. Evidence exhibited. And verdicts rendered. However as black men and woman there is a perception that has shadowed our people for generations. But unaddressed is the oppression that continues in stalking us. 

The reality is juries don't speak. Snitches is a name created to align a delegate to sustain mental fear in place. In humanity of the people in societies. Who is talking to each other; about each other's own tyranny. As the jury of 12 pay closer attention in silence. The 6 still carry caskets. For if we speak on each other at any level in this life. We next must also speak on ourselves. Until a verdict is rendered, then the statistics reflect the crime is repeated history. But what is unraveling is this of people in every race of mankind, has contributed in an act of human violence. Even in violation of a woman's rights "1919, 1920", were in the millennium and debating human rights, human worth & pay checks. As abortion because of rape is progressing in every age.

We, us and them who are left behind. In a society of those who are not fearful of being the bias onlookers, the grieving of all mother's, father's and families; need US to stay alive, ready & focused. In order to share the real stories. And write the final ending in how it all really occurred.

History is our greatest teacher of this beast. We created every movement in it. Because we are crucified for being free in our Freedom of Speech. Blinded by internal social racism. And not every criminal case is a review for exoneration. But not every metal vest has a justifiable reasoning of shooting in fairness over impartiality. Are neither can politics avoid the resolution for funding for "mental health".

The rap industry has crossed over colored  generations. The lyrics remain in high demand. However, there is debate of what is Blasphemy & discriminatory. In theories of humanity who listens; and emulates the uncensored performances in society. Again, any race of mankind has a freewill to appropriate the record sales. But yet we are still systematically separated by color when violence occurs. victims are confronted about the allegations. And the truth is in who remains distressed. The narcissist. If not being racist.  

If we do not restructure our own homes. Educate our own people & children. if not show each other "there's no loyalty in a world of obstacles, human darkness & disloyalty". There is this unsettling air in compassion where bullying is an action, no truth in a liars tongue. Where we are offended in the roles we're elected by each other. Disrespected in communities seeking protection from each other, manipulated by our protectors of each other. To be oppressed in our own societies. Then be disregarded in our own human skin. And chastised over who taught the morals, values & religious beliefs. One day there will be no resolution to save humanity from itself.

We were not born perfect people. Just born into a perfect 🌎 amongst people. Where sin awaited our final birth. Is when the shift of cohabitations started in mankind. That rose up of a rebellious history of many nations, of faces. The biblical history in mankind. 

What is death; I am aware and conscious of "sin". At times we reference the society, and encourage the "sin". In every trenches. Of every culture it's in our birthright to live out the history in mankind.  However, it's the mental barriers we judge of "acquaintances" with each other. It's our fears of facing what we are capable of in being human. Which confines our minds from finding "internal  peace, outside of each other's mental confusion". 

On 1 hand we defend ourselves. On the other seek validation from each other. We argue in heated debates with each other; about our inability to resolve conflict in peace. On massive platforms of what we have advertised of ourselves. However the expectations of support is diluted in human responses.

The burdens we passover in life. In the physical of being human. Whether we're judged "about the state of mind", unfairness to who is being manipulative in questioning our stages of grief. And who is watching the process of our own rehabilitations. Of what is the stem of this pain. If not our own internal awareness. Because it's inevitable of our own human weaknesses & strength; to deal silently with the struggles in ourselves. While living in a world of Sin? As we are guilty of judging each other. It's the case law of every act in mankind; that repeats history. When death is the final judgement on earth. Once knowing life is a "Freewill" for all in Humanity. To place more value in one's self.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...