Saturday, March 6, 2021


 I know it looks as if the devil has defeated us in this battle. But im here to tell you; how God is in control of all our heartaches, pain and sorrows.

As Job mourned, those old friends and even his wife challenged Job to question his faith. And so is that old satan challenging us in this storm to give up; on God. 

Today the sun is coming out; and that storm we were once in is moving. Hiw, it has no choice but to end. And even if you don't believe in God. God believes in you. 

When my son was murdered, I heard he shed a tear drop; as that angel held his hand. I can rest in knowing my prayers to God were answered once our child ask God to mend his heart. Therefore I am not discouraged about mans betrayal & perceptions. 

What we can look forward to is God is Alpha & Almighty. Trials are part of the process. And in Omega we will see our loved ones. And until then we shall be protected, we shall not beg for bread. Because never have I or we seen God forsake the righteousness. So why, so much suffering. Without the suffering would we continue to trust God. Are seek man in all God is capable of changing?

Dec. 16, 2019. A drunk driver almost took my life. He told the officers he wanted to die. That same night I met my only child we hugged. And on Jan.14th, 2020 we talked thoughout that day and that night we ended it with "love you, I got your back". The next morning on Jan.15, 2020, his life was robbed. On this step of helping those he wanted to save if not share. 

In Memory of Dominique White

Set It Off

A story of 4 friends that chose not to be divided. And when times got hard. These 4 friends vowed to one another; till death do us part. 

In life people come and go. And what we learn about friendship is this; true friends argue and disagree. But at the end of the day that disagreement fades away. 

When we respect the value of one another; we can rest our weary minds in knowing this person in my life. Has good intentions about our friendship. 

Sometimes you can find a better friend in a shorter time; than the friends you have known for over a decade. And more than often you just know in your heart & soul; there are old friends straggling in your life you have outgrown; and need to let go.

No matter the age category there comes a time to accept; life changes you in areas you must grow without some people who bring you down. Man or woman. True friends are hard to find.

In memory of Dominique White. When times got hard, you never had to search for him. And once God was prepared for his return; This true friend picked up a call and the next moment; he flew away and earned his wings. 

Today a young girl about 22years of age "said out of the blue, I have a step sister not my full blood, however, I started doing better for myself. After 1 year of living with her. I brought me a car. And after that my sister started to treat me different". I said never feel bad about your blessings. People will never understand it. She ask why? I said God has a plan whether you believe it or not. And not everyone is moving forward with you. She said I would like to give you a hug. I said babygirl I can relate when people change; and it hurts because you want to do better; and they want you to remain the same.

If you are a person at the fork in the road; in knowing its time to release some people or a person in your life. Pray about it, release it, and then move forward.

God never takes away; what only God is capable of to replace. Of true friends in your life.

In Memory of our true friends. And no we don't have to believe in the same God. However, believing in something r someone is your freewill and personal choice. 



Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...