Saturday, March 20, 2021


If you won a windfall of money, how much would you need to live a life filled w happiness; and how well prepared are any of us to deal with the windfalls of overwhelming expectations.

If you received a stimulus check "hoorah, hoorah". But if you know someone who did not. Are you willing to share? Whether you have are have not.

The reasoning in why the word  Lottery is so revelant; is for the love of money there is no peace on earth. And to who much is given, much will always be expected. Therefore we all will reap what is sown in a time and for every season. In those seasons where some will prosper, a season where a few will lack. And a season in which others will get by with what they have. And even though its said winning the lottery is 1 in a million, and becoming rich is not so much as what; we manage to obtain of in material things and in abundance in our associations. Being rich is how we see ourselves beyond our struggles, trials and sacrifices. And, in Gods favor one must be tested in the fire, tried in ones faith, stretched in the endurance of many trials,  suffering through much pain and still maintain; the Faith of a mustard seed through it All. Just to see the blessings that only a God can not fail. But bring to pass what Job suffered in of great losses, some of us have endured as well. Including myself. But all things are working for the good. Remember whomever you choose to serve on yesterday, today and tomorrow. 

One day that Lottery windfall is coming unexpectedly. Because of the faith; there will be many seasons of Harvest because of those prayers kept w/o reservations.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...