Monday, March 22, 2021


The words draws intense; attention to others and one's self. All over the world in the youngest if not oldest of ages in real people. So how does anyone begin to figuring out what is the hate about. And if we were to be honest with ourselves; who is accountable. And in figuring out what would it even take in rationalization of common sense to find human peace in racism? 

The idea to think one's being is superior of the supernatural to feel an intense desire of hate. In being liberated to justifiably place your hands on another human w/o respect & permission. With the human intent to cause bodily harm. If not inflict on another person emotional distress. And for what? Human edification. 

What do we teach our children; about racism. Who are u suppose to hate and at the same time; love about yourself? And what do we learn collectively as the same human beings that walk, eat & breathe about ourselves. Human beings that sit idly in consumption to destroy another human being; based on the color of their skin. Are the internal issues uncured in ourselves from generations. Yet we cohabitate and judge in the air & space we all breathe.

If there is any healing in the wounds of this word Racism. Who in humanity is going to Lead us unto managing towards ammicable listening if not communicating amongst ourselves a change? And how much more time do we think Time will allow any people; of all colors in races to pause dying. By the hands of another human being who is not choosing to live w/o an intense idea of racism.

Maybe this will disfuse the tireless frustrations of mankind. If there were no people of any race; left behind.

On an average day; families, people, relationships social economics are difficult enough to finding a balance in All races of people. If we are seeking in to prioritize of our own lives. So maybe those legacies we struggle to leave behind will bare better fruit. Than the bitter taste of fruit we continue in baring of our our own undefeated struggles; we denie to ourselves of taking for granted another day & chance. To not be buried in racism. As we rationalize with 1 another to why we can't breath in this new generation. 


Human Papilloma Virus; kids can even be tested as early in age categories of 10 or 11. Check with your medical doctors. 

The more we educate ourselves. The better we are prepared to educate our children.

Being parents we are not provided with a catalog for life. Are neither is some of us prepared to answer questions we don't know exist. But resources & support organizations do exist. In all cultures of social economics. 

We are not seeking validation as woman are mothers. We are educating ourselves as parents to better guide in caring for our children.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...