Monday, April 5, 2021

CDC Eviction Moratorium

The CDC and Texas Supreme Court who did not extend the order. Leaving the process of rental evictions faith in the landlord's decision to evaluate breaches in contract, shelter and basic need. And the consumer's obligation to solidify a mutual agreement  over the stay of rented property. Although any consumer can still face; penalties after evictions in this era of Covid-19. 

First, seek the resources available for monies have been granted to the State rent release programs launched in February. Although, by State the evictions protection is being removed. Still be motivated in knowing the monies is slowly  transitioning..

Continue to work with your property management company. Leasing office. And most importantly rebuild if broken that relationship with people who care. If not families who just need to simplify wrap up the dysfunction to not communicate. 

The strugge is real. And before time allows us All to catchup; economically if not mentally; first. There maybe another life challenge aligned; in the world of a cycle call  life. 

Woman affected by Covid

The world is witnessing a challenge for change. In All woman once employed during this season of Covid-19. Woman in business if not in corporate were forced to make emotional & financial choices. Their freedoms & independence tested. As stated by the news presentation of statistics 5.7 percent of white woman earnings, Black & Latino woman made lesser. If changes are every going to transpire in this era of time where the blind eyes in equal equality in equity by-laws,  education and opportunities refuse to identity change is overdue. Even if Lifestyles could change for all woman who contribute to sacrifice for their families in business. 

Where the job markets have said to be improving. The hope is; there is equal equity in business for woman of colors across the board after Covid-19. If this is the end of what was never cleary presented in scientific knowledge.

Access, is the equal opportunity for all women to grow in  business. And provide an essential lifestyle for the families we all sacrifice to grow in this world of diversity, education & cultural differences in woman.

Wild Card Covid

Another wave of covid cases. Ignored mandates by the CDC. And the wild is whether the new variances; will create if not avoid another outbreak..

Air travels are rising, and so are  covid cases due to non essential travels in certains states. The issue is people cohabitate all over the world. As they seek to find freedom and relation of what was not to long ago of 550,000 lives were lost. 

All, is not normal as long as we deny why & how can it be another Variance is spreading and a new W is coming of  clusters in outbteaks. Where children were always vulnerable in the midst of adults being vaccinated if not. And resume their pose in life.

Nations are executing around 3million vaccines a day. As of this moment 40,000 sports attendees are gathering with smiles; while gathering in openings. 

Time was always valuable. We either accepted or denied how much value we invested in time. To simply invest of relaxation and breathing of life; it All in.

6 Pack

Mental health is a serious situation. And Today pur prayers goes out to the family in Allen, Texas. An entire family of 6 is at rest.

The 22 year old was approved to purchase a gun. If only mental illness as advertised in every established by law. Maybe the circumstances could of changed. If diagnosis exist in All data bases. In every artillery purchase  that matches up to the photo identity provided. 

Families, friends, neighbors if not associates. If you know are identify there is a human cry for Help. See how u can render aid..Today it was this family. Tomorrow it could happen at any time at any place..

Power vs. Money

What is the difference, are is there any significance; logistically not. 

When you have Money; you posess a power to get things done. By the usage of moving other people around.

When you have Power; you possess doors of accessibility to endless opportunities of obtaining who controls the money.  

Fame vs. Crime pays; Logistically it depends on who is the recipient of either in benefits if not consequences. 

The Process vs. Knowledge; titles are race in demographics don't eliminate any of us from the Process. And in Truth of Possessing Raw Knowledge. 

Ghost Writer-#28. 

Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...