Thursday, April 8, 2021


A family child is intrigued with science. So I ask the question how is 71% of the earth  covered with water. And we still maintain life above its surface.

The young child replied its only a Matter of time. Before the earth shifts and tilts; around the world.

I recall visiting New Orleans for years I crossed a bridge of water covering trees, land consumed in this cup of water. Then 1 day those levees broke. But not all of the city's structure was damaged, more than other's in disparities of disportioned areas.

I remember the first sink hole in Florida. And then sink holes even appeared in Texas. But the insurance company's do not cover the damages that could cause a major catastrophe. Just surroundings areas of land of  the house foundation.

Water a human basic need, now whether the water supply is clean based on reported  findings of TCEQ. So much in humanity we one day learned Free & Freedom is a thin line. All races of men & woman  stand on of a non-proportioned shifting foundation.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...