Sunday, April 18, 2021

60 Minutes

 Psalms 5:11 

Tonight's episode focus on African American desparities. And there are 3 tiers that affect the livespan of the 20-25 year gap. Of health and what is the determining factors of survival; regardless of education, income and demographics.

Black People are most likely to deal with enormous amounts of stresses including unequal attention. And unequivocal healthcare than White Americans. And compassion has nothing to do with the strategy of the equal opportunities & protection of Black American's in America History.

Also, on 60 minutes spoke was Professor Williams who created 25years ago; a scale to determine how African Americans can identify with how they have been discriminated on a daily basis in society. 

In order to understand why the African American resilience is strong. First, as a nation we must accept in knowing why accountability is resistant to accept of what and who is still implementing the oppressed. For if we as people face our own truths. It would be a world changing in its own creations of prejudices and self inflicted racism's.

Racism It's not a word we learn out the womb. It's a behavior taught over a period of time. And the compassion stems from the recipient of being the oppressed to deal with the wounds that remain wide open. Generation 2 Generation.

We are not entitled to one another. However we have blind folded our eyes to the accountability of how we continue to operate in habitations of the oppressions. Reprimanded in humanity and wity by-laws to justify the actions.

To respect one another. We must first respect the way we treat each other. And in the event there are those who can sleep at night on knowing the  oppression of inequality is fair. Then we as a people in every nation across the Globe; are destined for a journey that will end; no where.


In growing & waiting; bare great patience. For this is a season of greater labour pains for us bridesmaids. So keep those lanterns with Oil. The bridegroom is planning to return at any moment. But know man in any nation can validate the time are hour of the return. Do not be deceived; stay focused and  vigilant to not miss the coming.

Sovereignty, Grace and Chestisement. Is part of the plan; we must be ready at all moments.



The emotion last for so long. But so much is compromised in the time; anger an human emotion that feels overwhelming.

This morning count your blessings. You rose up out of bed. You can hold onto your children. Children count your blessings if you know deep down in your heart; it was anger that caused you to rebel.

Families be more grateful today. If you can reassemble and break cold or hot bread. Cause through the Pandemic & Epidemic of love, poverty, homicides, greed, natural causes and racial hate 550k + more lives did not make it. To be amongst the living today.

I'm not saying this warfare or evil days of behaviors is over. What I'm sharing of my and many other's of a testimony is this;

It's a blessing people are reading this blog. Why, time is limited here on earth. However, Forgiveness; allows us All a second chance to write our wrongs. 

And I know the wounds are to deep to bounce back emotionally. Pray for those people who have caused u mental and physical distress. Burden you down with incest, domestic violence, betrayal and separation from your family and friends. If not lied, stole and robbed you blind. 

This moment find refuge in the word of God, are whom ever you choose the freewill to serve. It will change a soul; lost, broken r seeking. Attempt to be shown how forgiveness requires initiation. And entitlement is not an action of respect.. where a person shows you an act of kindness. For in reality we are NOT entitled to 1 thing are each other. However, God showed up with some grace and mercy here on earth. Now restore that Faith & Hope. Cause man did not Possess any power; only emotions through behaviors. We choose to forgive, trust are end up angry & broken. If not trustworthy and back in unity with love.

The word says no man knows the hour of my return. And the dead shall rise; as in the day's of Lazarus. However, many have grown impatient.  Not knowing God will take us in the blink of an eye, in the state we are in. And afterwards the Book of Life will be fulfilled. There will be no negotiations of the soul r no more snitching on what God is watched over generations..

In memory of our Son's & Daughters lost. Grandchildren separated from us. And the future of where this world will find peace through All races of Humanity. 


Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...