Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Coffee House

The Best Part of every morning; is to start with a sip; from his or her cup of Java.

You are the quench to any thirst for water; in the driest of a desert. You are the North Star; sought for release in this anguish. As our feet burn on this tireless journey. 

You are the sunrise; peeking through the cracks of weary eyes. As we wrestle from another restless night. Our bodies ache in every crack & crevice. 

You are the smooth taste of reasoning in every sip. As these nostrils open wide to embrace your aroma.

How your beauty flows. Where Millions have walked a mile. Traveled a distance over time for hours, if not struggled to stay awake; until the moment came. Of sipping from that cup of decadence..

You are the best part in every morning are late night story we've shared. As we sat patiently & watched how you  warmed up in every pot. An embodied mellow of brew. Waiting to be poured into our cups. To mentally stimulate every inch of US. 

Maybe today; we have something different to communicate. Over every sip of his or her; cup of Java...

Bon Appetit!



Speaking to the situation. It's not always going to affect all our human natures. 

The Blues. And no not every emotion is about sexism. It's about what we All are feeling; together if not apart. 

Once a Queen is off the board. Her King now stands alone without her. 

Ladies can we teach our young girls; a man surrenders. Into our thoughts, ideas, and often some moments of infatuation. If not teach our girls what is touch less passion. Is when this man will desire to figure out how to appreciate what she has been taught; in loving herself. 

Men can we educate our young men. To treasure his gold mind. Before diving for treasures he may struggle to appreciate. Until he identifies what he also; appreciates about his own male authenticity. And loving himself; first. 


It's an option that is not exclusive. Redemption is for All who seek it. In the manner of answering back 2 what in our human flesh; we have committed of an unthinkable act. That man's judgement is not equivocal to the Karma that awaits permission to be released..

There is a darkness in our hearts; and no man are woman can deny it's wrath. Where our souls are convicted in compromise. We wrestle with our own hidden Personal Convictions.

And if you assume that any man's heart is pure dark with no conscience. Also know Karma shows up. In good are bad. In untimely situations.

The soul will only find rest; where the mind finds peace..


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...