Monday, May 17, 2021


On this Blog is a Title "Bridges". And if you reserve a moment to spare cross this bridge when u get there.

The news reported another suicide. This time a friend was left speechless. The race, age & gender was insignificant. The zip code are social status irrelevant. As communities stand in the streets; appeared in disarray. The families left behind speechless. And those innocent children glare with tears in their eyes. 

If you can remember a day, or even in this a moment a Bridge u stood before in configuration to cross. A Bridge boarded with splinters, nails, debree & broken along the way. A bridge you analyzed overtime by yourself. This Bridge you saw to only cross alone. 

I will admit for every Bridge we consider to cross. There is a moment we need to consider of something's in ourselves. 

1. What is it that is broken inside.

2. Why do I feel the need to cross this bridge alone.

3. Who did I not give a chance; to hold my heart in their hands. 

4. Who can love me better than myself & God.

And if you are not a believer. Then ask yourself for All the Bridges I crossed with man, not God. How is it on this Bridge I feel like giving up to cross?

I buried my only son. And if I can speak it out loud; to heal s1 else struggling to exhale. I was separated from my gc for petty things we still got room to grow; but if I can share how it humbled me in how not to be moved towards a bitter mood. I buried several of my close family members; and If I can share how it is I rise up everday with joy in my heart. I cross several Bridges on This Platform of my Blog. I continue to encounter hardships; life are in God's Holy Word did not exempt any man. To a promise it would be easy. I refuse to be apologetic for finding my purpose, will & strength. On Bridges of life & experiences in how a few people left me hanging in life. Now struggling. In places I remembered who I belong too. And how to give a GOOD FIGHT in All I pray before I do anything else...

Today, give yourself; a second chance to FIGHT. At that Bridge you face. It could be the same Bridge some People, person are in humanity may not find the strength to cross. 

Child Tax Care Credit

The approval is confirmed. But remember you must qualify; first. Research on IRS.Gov for 2019-2020 returns. 

This is the 4th round of payouts. If you have managed to survive financially in this transition within Covid-19. Do not get relaxed The Biden administration was resilient in getting this Bill passed. And money does not have roots. So once it's gone. You will resume; to managing again with what you either take inventory to save. Are maintain the support you heavyly depend on. People, family & friends included. Somewhere we All have sacrificed to help one another; in reaching a point so others figure out the real math to help themselves.

I heard a leader speak this week and shared "you can educate us the people, however people will continue to make their own choices". 


There is a way to track the Trolls moving around. How,  Everything is aired live on social media for All to watch. 

The reason the title is Troll; is that no matter the hour of the day. Some one are people is causing the drama in life. And if you are not careful; exposed are not. A troll will figure out how to get you actively & emotionally involved on a live  platform. 

What we have learned; is positivety elevates. And negativity keep people awake..

A lady posted. There is a person yelling & pounding on my door. A reader responded "maybe it's a person with mental illness". Another reader said "why are you posting, call 911". Another posted "where is your weapon". Another said "if you want to live, use your common sense". Not implementing these are Trolls. Because there are more positive are negative influences people share. 

The moral is this; sharing information keeps us All on the lookout. Of Troll bullying that is dehumanizing All ages. So before expressing a posting; of anytime of comment and, or  statements. Evaluate your intentions before logging in to any platform. Why, we in humanity. Are amongst an audience of; Negative vs. Positive reactions.

Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...