Wednesday, May 19, 2021


The state of feeling no enthusiasm. If not a nose dive in low motivation.

Whether are not you are a person that is proactive. Are waiting to be activated. Any state of boredom is dangerous. Why, the mental isolation & physical entrapment will stirrup behaviors that seem not normal. 

If any adult finds themselves in any state of mental & physical confinement. How do you think children & the elderly feel; who are dependant on another person's assistance. That is not self motivated or focused in attention?

The moral of this pasage is during this Pandemic weird behaviors have been demonstrated. People who were busy bodies; were halted in their steps. Shakers & Movers temporarily shut down. Hustlers & Manipulators had more time to conceive another punch line. And home bodies; immediately figured out; confinement is no longer an option. 

We can choose to change our minds, habits & lifestyles. Are wait till time changes US; in the blink of an eye.

Coping w Domestic Violence

The reality is any human being can be a victim; of violence. Age & race is a nonfactor. 

It's the intense need to possess Power to control the feared. This abuser are abusers could be family, father's or even a mother, an aquaintence, neighbor or friend. A stranger or connect ties to an extended relationship with an intention to mentally & physically dismantle a vulnerable person. Including elders & small children. The both of these types consist of A person of insecurities, a person with low self esteem, a person of neglect if not feeling of abandonment. A person with lack of efficiency in money to care for themselves. The abuser & the made victim mentally share in a rare sense of emotional disposition. Are accessibility to an innocence space..

The deepest threat in this violence of acts; is how eveyone at any point of time a direct victim. Including family, communities, co-workers & friends. 

The 911 calls were made; unfortunately help arrived to late. So what can be done to save those who are struggling to find their own; human strengths. And who will get deeper involved where children are unable to make a life urgency call? 

The news flash reports globally; of yellow caution tape is progressing in silence around the world. In every zipcode, age and of every race; of Domestic Violence has caught up to this generation. 


Polyamory "The practice of engaging in multiple romantic(and typically sexual) relationships, with the consent of all the people involved".

If there is a safe mental place of conversation to introduce or even talk to our own children about sexuality. If not physical emotions of attraction, love, lust and obsession. In both sex of men and woman. The time is here. If not they will hear the information from the world.

So many struggles our young people face. Without the years of experience & knowledge in so many emotional & physical areas of their minds & bodies. So easy to guide them in an unprotected space. Before they have to learn life is not a game. Where people will play on their minds due to misguided information, for their eagerness to experience areas that are  evident of their own vulnerabilities. 

Real people in this life; struggle to stay in love, deny themselves to find someone to love and loose their minds for not knowing how to love themselves. While the entire time children are born out of love, in love if not left for no love. As some people in the world; sit back & watch for the opportunities to educate others on their idea desires if not experience in knowledge. Are reference biblical scripture; new & old history. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...