Tuesday, May 25, 2021


 In a Perfect World there is no sadness and everything and person is a beautiful creation. In a transitional world there is human differences. And in reality there is generations if not this word called "culture" that is the makeup of different morals, values and beliefs. And for every corner of this entire world; there is alloted space to embrace an opportunity to lay in the sunshine of our diversity in every race, in peace if sought of.  Every wonder why the 70's were such an assorted diverse moment in time?

Now that we have processed our differences of views, beliefs opinions & most importantly our Life Experiences. Allow us to rest our minds on a soft sheet of understanding one another's 


2. Idea's /Statements and Opinions 

3. Creations/ Innovations

4. Peace/Solidarity 

5. Friendships with people/in near & far away places. Of No violence. No hate, no poverty, no famine and pain. Children can wonder around the neighborhoods with no indiscretions on the media pages & news. Families are gathering with smiles, neighbors are enjoying community cookouts. How so, because we have found a common ground for everyone equal equity, education, respect and social justice. 

Therefore on the next comment to the commentor; one more person has no space to assume All humanity live in Peace of this Perfect World in a limited space of ideas. To avoid the next post are blast to expose of another person's or community disparity.

If All Books were to be judged by the covers; there would be shelves left empty, shelves filled if not a shelf at All.

Let's respect that Life is an adjustment no matter what your point of view or statement is about. In this Perfect Place called earth. In which humanity has experienced of their individual trials written on pages of chapters. 

They say crime is increasing. A comment posted on social media. Information is appreciated according to platforms people follow accross the world. And Although a few believe bad things just don't  happen here. Well, maybe for the many good things there are  people who will never know. As the minority to share various real topics of peoples life story's to educate the world, of how we are changing the pages of our history.

If money was an incentive to showing an act of respect if not kindness. Who would dive through life's wide or narrow lanes to gain?


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...