Wednesday, October 13, 2021


If today was to happen. When all the adults came to the mental conclusion; today we are aware of we're not going to get our own way. What do you think the children would say. As they watch the adults; stretch out, yell, scream and fight. In  temper tantrums towards one another.

Because children are highly  intellectual in this new generation. And believe it or not; they can repeat everything happening. We could give credit to our adult behaviors.

So many methods adults use to disclipline children. Then what method can the children use to  disclipline the adult acting out. Often children process and watch. And what do you think as adults register that is happening in the minds of a child thoughts. As adults discipline each other in the presence of All youth & children?

Our youth and the smallest of children are watching every adult behavior. Of us, you are them. In what is demonstrated in the presence of their undivided attention.



Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...