Tuesday, December 28, 2021


People are walking and talking; all over the world. And around the world as people fall asleep at night. Other's are on the rise.  In a space real people share; breathe to life. Of our physical bodies we are counted of billions in people. Moving around on this axle; called earth.  In real time of human motion. 

The moral is human beings have debated the history of it's own situations. Bulged of each other; into one another's set r unlimited boundaries. Questioned the capability of the creator of one heaven and earth. And leveraged  access to control what moves in motion and dynamics of human basic needs. 

Around this axle; in between it called earth. Where manmade material things, nature grew things and humanity coordinated the decisions and synchronized theories. So that we could be equally heard on these created platforms to hear our own conversations. Debate against each other of our own idea's. Rationalize our own accomplishments;  of each other's well contributed workmanship. To redesigning Law's allocated through rules. In projected predictions to discipline be provides facts of undisciplined behaviors. passed down to our own generations. 

Until one day; we questioned the beginning of our own existence. Is where we exposed of ourselves of internal confusion we now see the real struggle is trying to identify in ourselves; as individuals. As we aggressively search to first, understand who we are outside of each other.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...