Saturday, March 12, 2022

3 Bears

Children are born into family's, parented by our own values, morals and beliefs. And then develope and search in a diverse society of people, life experiences and debated human differences. 

Transgender, Heterosexual, Bisexuality,  Straight and Manogomous transitioning. We can teach them about the world. However, ever human being will share a human experience through are with each other..

We look at the word Family. But what do we judge of each other's culture, if not our own cultures in private thoughts vs. society. Where family is the topic of how and where of what we judge and debate; starts. 

If we can accommodate each other's physical desires, control and emotions. Then we as the decisions makers, leaders in our private homes and paternal parents can also choose to answer to our own life decisions and inquisitive questions to why are how do we build, structure and identify with; what is a or this family in structure; about.

Why, does our private lives matter. Because we cohabitate in a real world of people. Of what we debate, fight are judge about the nature and choices made in ourselves..

It's a freewill to choose what island we cross over. We just often find ourselves isolated in our own emotions. If not distraught are lost on the same islands we choose are emotionally attached to. And it's a debate about one's self of self choosing to educate the transfer of more are less in depthness to educate, learn from are acclimate the experience in the lives of our own children. Whom also will experience in this life with a diverse class of people; on many islands of life experiences.

When we can justify our own desire to pleasure each other unequivocally before ourselves. Then who are when do we introduce and communicate to our children in fully educate these small children on physical attractions and adult emotions. Of what they are witnessing of sexuality in private then in the world.

Where there is a truthful explanation to why some fathers and mothers chose not to show up in their daily lives. In all fairness in some of our life scenarios these paternal parents are not all deceased, incarcerated, mentally incoherent. But alive and in good mental health, in new relationships, and financially in shape and standing and living here on earth. 

If we chose not to see; where our conversations stir the next generation. That may be in a direction our children will seek of more emotional answers and healing. In a world of people with emotions and physical attractions turned into confusion. Because at the end of the day. People and children desire to find an emotional connection to feel a sense being. of what and who do we belong too. Not just the attraction of human physical inhibitions.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...