Sunday, August 21, 2022


Let's find this balance together in mankind of every race of gender and sex.  And what is the possibility we could agree collectively; about who created humanity. And why some females can give birth and others cannot, and no matter what a male chromosome is part of the reproduction process. As humanity debates the Bible to Find the Word to challenge the name of God. Our constitution rest in this same Bible. And if all people are not believers in humanity. Then how is God the argument in each other. When Satan can also exist in a human act of faith is when humanity challenges each other of a chosen belief in faith.

Pansexual, Omnisexual, Heterosexual. We in humanity will never all agree; collectly. Freewill is optional 

Where in humanity can man reference that man was the creator of another human being in the reproductive organs. Are even the entire body created by man him self. Then humanity challenges the same mankind in humanity for the physical acts of behaviors to each other of what is penetrated in the  human flesh of  our own human skin.

So why over the history of mankind can any human being honestly respond in any  human debate to why same sex exist in all races of humanity; stir back to unresolved argumentive conversations from one human to another for being human. 

This point was asked; then why do same sex people in relationships adopt children out of foster care.  The same concern should be then why do people in humanity of any state of cohabitation make a choice to engage in an act that would penetrate if not contribute in a state to procreate another human life. And choose to or engage in same sex cohabitation in any society. if not the physical act of human attractions. To reverse back into the same flesh of one's human self. Mentally & Physically no human is exempt.

In every generation children of any age will learn the truth, grow up into young and old adults; about their own humam existence in the skin they were born in from a females organs. Expect in any society of human beings in the world of debated reality. to agree or disagree. Will confuse humanity all mentally. If we in humanity do not accept it's what we practice, teach and  experiment in ourselves and with each other. This skin we are stretched  of ourselves. Then judged of each other; about ourselves.

The reality is our own truth, is it really about religion. God and Satan. Where in life we are humanity that's dealing to find our own self identity's in this skin; of being human. Seeking self are each other's ❤ love. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...