Sunday, December 18, 2022


The "Process", whether we agree to disagree are not. The description reads for all people "subsidized relief to supplement a "temporary" economic relief. If the debate is ongoing about who of us are them is configuring this a 'legacy plan" for our children's future generations. For many  food through foodstamps. Is used to cover this basic human need in anytype of financial hardship are physical impaired disabilities. And let's be clear about the credentials to meet the fine print of from the requestor. "low income families, is not exempt in any race of person's seeking humanitarian aid. But if we were to historically reference the poverty lines. For every statistic; real people is the evidence reported of all people. In all nations of man. Cleary there is history over mankind of hardships. War's that create catastrophic environments. Incarceration is not rehabilitation for any state of well being. But neither is homicides that destroys families, future growth in economics for the restoration in those communities of recorded and witnessed of rethorical violence. where the argument is the state and conditions of "indigenous population", but if we research around the world, the sea saw is flipping upside down. there is also a history of "economic wealth". so how can people grow economically where there is a history of division between indigenous, incarceration, education and wealth, around politics & accessibility to economic growth. 

Whether people eat are starve. Children is the outcome of what turns the conversation towards any platform with "outrage, cries if not a long term resolution about this word. Behind this word "indigenous". Is real people of all colors not discriminatory, just categorized. So it's entertained to blow the flame towards to who chose a political vote. If not the state of the condition of  in every culture. 

In sociology it teaches diversity in economic statuses, environment, society and groups. And in psychology  it teaches behaviors. Again, knowledge is a state of understanding that is not discriminatory on who elevates are progresses at any pace.

These "systems were systematically designed by our forefathers. In it's own algorithm for the people by the people". However, society has the acknowledgement in determining "how the system benefits them". The flip side is  "the system is rhetorical information of recorded history of whomever utilizes it". Even in other countries people makeup mankind. So now the question is "who holds accountability" of the real statistics; around the world. 

People are human beings. And wether we are ,"projected to perform, exempt if not exempt. We are the human race on record in the systems", the reality is for every birth on earth. A system was created by the people, for the people". Of projections, rational's and statistics. 

Basic needs is for human survival, so how can a human justify what another human can lack, of a human need. To fully survive. Without acknowledging what is accessible are not to cure or meet the "temporary", assistance.

Money is raw tender. Assets can be converted into raw tender. Land deeds is ownership in history recordings, earth is not recorded as a surveyed property. Life is this space of; the inevitable. Around circumstances that result into a state of human existence. So  taking inventory, is reasoning to question; of what we are "approved of. If not denied", by whom is going to later judge; accross the boarders and fine printed lines.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...