Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Poster Child

Overtime in every human & animal form is developed in a transition of being new born babies, infant children, toddlers, children, youth then grown adults. 

Over generations we have monitored,  parented and groomed of our own cultural values, moral and beliefs. From all of the listed above. 

Over decades of religious practices we have cultivated our own families. 

Over time we have repeated history. In an exquisite generation of our own blood lines. In which we groom of them to inherit the historical teachings, burdens, and appointed  leaderships in today's society, our personal homes, cohabitated community's if not bodied goverment. Of how to be mentally lead if not physically follow. Where diversity & unity is our historic debate. Just in another generation still is the history of one's preservation to protect freedoms & belief in relationships, religion, economics and education. Of our generations is a known history of diversity of cultures. We continue to debate our differences. However, our morals, values and beliefs remain in our birthright's over history of generations. 

The question is; for generations of all our human debates. Is the reality we created wars to fight. Then debated with each other over our own bloodlines of legacies, contribution and royalties. To  historically divide ourselves amongst a diversity. Where it was our inherited birthright's at the beginning of life's time. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...