Thursday, February 24, 2022


If we're going to judge the statistics in child poverty; lets not so focus dramatically on who did not meet the expectations. Because money will always be needed in any race of children's life; globally. And so will love, protection and knowledge. And what we provide to them of the legacy we will one day leave in this life. with are without them knowing they are forever loved not disregarded.

Child support a supplemental pay to cover the cost of that paternal child's basic need, education, medical needs and clothing. So why, do the hardships still exist. In some situations of both the paternal parents; even if for unfactired if not factored reasoning parents are amicable if not amicably coparenting. 

Ever imagine a life without the laughter of children. Ever imagine to not be emotionally connected in a world with no children. Ever wanted to give birth; however the body did not respond. Ever desired to be loved. However, the ties of a child would in reality determined if the love you searched for would still be a love of your own. Reality is we need time to figure out. Who people and their family bloodlines really are. 

In any relationships of Cohabitation; were children are procreated. The basic needs in life now is a need for this child. And where the commitment to support this child’s life long needs is not limited to whom is committed in ensuring they possess access. This is not a competition to understand generational wealth. It will require management and evolving in all of; ourselves. 

Often we find ourselves as adults standing off at bordered lines; where children are involved they will need time to develope in who they are going to become with all families involved. As we say "It takes a village". Regardless of who steps us, steps down are is denied of the relationships to be in these children's life. 

Sometimes death are the absence of a parent is not alway's the situation. Sometimes adult's get distracted to finding that human. To remove one's self to communicate amicably at a stand off; of eractic if not divided emotions. In poster board poises. 


 In respect of educators around the world. If it were not for the education. Who would have initiated and serviced our generations of all ages. 

In light of educators around the world. We the people, students and graduates encourage you to not lose hope. In a time of history our future's will be challenged of future knowledge.

My son said "mom not every person  comprehends, processes are understands just because people respond to each other in communications". I responded son sometimes we must ask ourself if we even desire to understand what's being educated.  verses finding comfort in what we are ok with not communicating. Of what we really don't want to know. 

See life is going to happen; whether we comprehend. Are how we respond to what is taught to each other. And know we won't always get real answer's, sometimes vague direction. If not provided the tools to make our own conscious decisions.

So yes, educators we need you for every generation. Whether the teachings are broad to minimum. We as people need to know there is knowledge and room for our past and future of generations; to prosper and mentally grow.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...