Friday, June 10, 2022


One Human emotion; humans cannot deny is fear and pain. No matter what our titles, roles are financial status is. 

We fight wars, and more than often unsure what is it that angers us in our human emotions to take a life; over words and land, dominions, and product verses the  influctuation of demand. 

We cut-off our own bloodlines to end another's. We thirst for knowledge; by spiting each other to think to destroy the knowledge. By plotting against the preservation of another human body.

We gang stalk up in groups and pair up often using Blasphemy towards God while glorifying this Satan through religion,  one has its own freewill to practice, teach and live individually.

We say life is Changing, however life is the massive space. People change the way our behavior shows of who we become in of this life. 

The laws of Mankind; was created by man of checks and balances for the people. Then why is the children in one side, the judge a mediator in the middle of many titled entities of  1 governmentand. For the people of all races of cultures weighing in. Eventually the balance is no longer respected on printed paper. Why, life is just a massive space where  humanity is facing its own generations of choices and fears. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...