Sunday, July 3, 2022


In every city there is regulated driving limits. On every highway driven there is a stretch of mile markers. And around the world is a small town, rural land and large are small counties. 

In every string of history. There is appointed leadership; that will lead it's people of all races in it's own makeup of past & present history.

One moment humanity will admit r deny themselves of searching in timeless hours on everyday. To figure out in this space called life, what is this narrative humanity; struggles to fight in war's, but not before struggling within one's self. Of accepting accountability in their own human identity.. of taking the opportunity in "Freewill and Freedom". For cause there exist the affect; resulting in situations. And for every generation history continues to repeat itself. 

And in life there still remains pages of places where  there is the existence of cohabitation in humanity. In places of mass infrastructure, road & bridges, blue prints & architecture. Land developments & building permits. machinery & operator's. Farmers & agriculture. Economics & Education. And the state of Poverty vs. the state of access to empowering knowledge; identity is Wealth.

In humanity the structure of Government was created for humanity in all races of mankind. Is the Judicial Systems of 1 algorithm "checks & balances". For every human allocated a social security number r a passport there exist a birth certificate. From the time stamped date of every human birth by a female. There now exist in mankind "life and death is part of life's process on earth". In a history of roots in generations of chaotic data. Of humanities bloodlines in DNA.

The information we search to find on each other in humanity. is not the information we lack of finding of what was never hidden about our own human cohabitations. In our own human existence. 

If any child ask at any age, what is there identify. Reference history. For every birth is a paternal r maternal bloodlines of history rooted of birthrights in DNA.  If the child ask Who are my people? How did we cohabitate, and what is a legacy. if all I know is Poverty thinking. Eventually would be exposed of oppression that was really choices that was made for me as a child. If not being shown why struggles is part of survival. And Wealthy is really an act of knowing I have my own identity. I am this makeup in humanity of all races of people who possess the freewill. to be educated on the direction of "access is really the knowledge in what is taught if not lacked in teaching but learned from life experiences". As children are asking who denied me of  my birthrights. If I was once a child with no direction if not mislead in it. Today where do I start on my journey to get back my own birthright inheritance of bloodlines.

Resentment & lies in any race of mankind, will hinder growth and severance many generations in bloodlines. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...