Monday, July 11, 2022


It's no longer a rumor. Around the world there is trembling concerns. When will peace settle in humanity. 

The Bible was written based on humanity. The rumors are not far from humanity's reality. So why, should fear overwhelm the concerns. When the world was not created by mankind. Bullying is even in the smallest of ages to the eldest in all races. In a common space of life Mankind found him & her self in their own skin. Inside a world of nature and inhabitants. Of all things growing, expanding if not no longer in existence. 

Life is precious, people are comforting and beauty is what we see in this humongous life. If not what we search for of companionship in one another of a commom space. Of shared debates over our own freewills; about faith, love, hope and hate.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...