Thursday, July 14, 2022


We've heard the old cliche "A peace of Mind" is priceless". So how is it in humanity we find ourselves forfeiting a "Peace of mind of our own free will", in the living. By adding confusion to debate it. Through all nations of mankind about what is not appreciated of a human"Peace of Mind"? 

My only son often said "people got issues within themselves, and I can stand firm on what I'm syaing. Because I myself deal with the man in the mirror in my own life. I have been blessed to breathe in another day of life. It was my only son untimely death. That I found in my own mind & soul; peace and rest. 

So beyond any human reservation breathe the fresh air, live in every moment without permission of any human being. Smile for no reason. Cry in every season. Doubt in places people have proven to you and you have even proven to yourself in silence; nothing is promissed to be perfect. Are neither is the choices we will be forced are independently make. Whether those choices be productive if not a logical move. 

It's often spoken who is playing checkers r chess. The reality is both is a critical thinking game; no matter who sits in the revolving chair; next. 

Oh! in times of human trials, remember who you are, whom you belong to of a higher power than mankind. Who is sitting around in your space. But above all; who is watching every move. You make in your own freewill to mentally think. Or not physically delegate who moves in rotation of their owm meditated intentions. Good or bad, all in humanity will answer to each other. If not a higher power above mankind; at any moment.

The definition of Insanity it to repeat a rhetorical step, made over in the history of every generation of mankind. And the word "delusional is a mental state no matter what human being it is referencing; if not being judged.

In life finding "Peace comes in large or small increments".      


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...