Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Ann Frank

Books are on shelves in every corner of the world, in almost every household. Including private and public schools, institutions and law libraries. 

As a young girl, I recall being enlightened about Ann Frank's movie, then I proceeded to read her story of  this experience of human adversity. I also remember reading Hellen Keller. I recall a holocaust elder once visited the elementary school, I asked to touch the branding on this persons arm. I heard real people talk about their own  personal life journey. As a child of color, how could I even relate to knowing this type of tragedy of their stories through experiences. Until I was able to relate feeling this pain of my own history in life adversity. I feared for children would bare the burdens of our own history in mankind. And wars would spread in genocide. And why I watch with my own eyes, and understand their reasonings verses our reasoning to why books must remain if not being removed.  not just from shelves. From a different shelf in our generations of timing during rumors and actions in wars. This is our history in mankind that ties real events over history together. The history is still one's real life journey. However mentally in society we as human beings still share this state of mental confinement amongst ourselves in what is being removed of human history and folks talking to debate history. To deny one's right to read for ourselves. But instead listen to each other in why it can exist,  this may or of happened. Denies any the freewill right to educate and read for themselves. If our morals, values and beliefs were all the same in human history. Then our real human experiences in stories would not have made it in books, platforms and documentaries. Where real people through generations in bloodlines contribute to these pages of books. About our human adversity and victories in life. 

But what is printed on these blank pages that has Mankind gravitates in strong debating over what is being read to this  world of adults and children?  

If we talk about it in person, if we hear about it through people, if we have lived are living through it, are even if we can relate through bloodlines in the history of it. Does it ever change the real story of our lives? If there were no books on shelves Including the the most Powerful Book of All "The Holy Bible". What history of fiction or non fiction would mankind share of his or her own teachings to each other in this world?

Reality is humans is always looking, whether it be in a book are talking to each other. About what is or not been written, about Philosophical stories, their own human identity wrapped up in the History of mankind of many stories. We are the Authors of our own truths. We are the people who live over generations. In the generations we are living in right now. 

So who will share in clear clarity of context to the many nations in our generations about the real life history of our own life experiences; its inevitable we makeup humanity as contributors in writing our own life stories. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...