Tuesday, August 30, 2022


One day when mom are dad, are not within arms length. Grandma and papa are not able to pick up that call on other end. And auntie or uncle are no where in sight. Cousins are too far away. Don't panic. Simply take a moment to breathe and refocus on where you are; in this life..

In this time of our generation. Life is this vapor we are grasping through to breathe. And calm down to listen for what we actually are witnessing. Just remember time is untraceable. In this space call life; we lose are find of our human self's in this skin we stretch to find of ourselves in. 

A child said, I know everybody's tired of each other. I said child remember this " there is no short cuts in life. And people are going to change no matter who they are". Just remember the skin you wear belongs to you. This little person who has the free will, to feel whatever you care to emotionally feel; in yourself. Now breathe and relax, enjoy this space in a time; no matter who are what happens. eventually everything if not someone will change something. In a life where promises are made repeatedly. But inevitable of being broken. Focus and watch; on how u feel in a positive not focusing on the negative about yourself. Because life has to happen for us all. As we search and emotionally are overwhelmed with this urge to feel the need to be needed; by each other.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...