Saturday, November 12, 2022


For only a God of compassion could of planned an exact date and time of our; chosen mother's,  father's and bloodlines. For there would be a process before the birth rights. Through our bodies, then here on earth. 

As a mother and dad anticipated patiently for months, days, minutes over nights for your final arrival date. A mother prepared in protection of her body to ensure you would be safe, loved, nourished and for 9 months a warm place to rest your precious body.  

And then it happened in the blink of an eye. The biological clock said "it's your time". As feet clicked and clattered. This water began to reign from eyes, to places of belly aches. monitored of rapid hands moving on clocks as we ran. And before we could manage controlling our breathe. this rush of anticipation made us break into this 😓. At this moment my body stretched, blood pressure rose, and heart raced. Due to the calamity of contractual pains. To ensure you  were born healthy and finally revealed to a mother and father in this light; called life.

Through the intense moments. Finally you were conceived and immediately given back to me; outside of my body. As your little warm body wiggled. I could hear your first sounds. Is when we would be formally introduced as you were placed on my warm  chest; i immediatelty bonded with your ❤️ beat. It was in that moment of time I still can feel; your tiny heart beat ontop of mine. This feeling yearned for eternity. Even in the living. But now even in death.

They say love is temporary in life. People grow in, if not out of love everyday.  People lose the desire of patience for each other. People forget we are all people of paternal father's, born from a womb of a woman. But a mother's and father's true love.  For any child this mother is either the protector r oppressor. And in every season this female made a final decision to carry of child in her womb. And this male he either intensely plans to be the best father; for this child is the blessing of his bloodline; to finally arrive. and no matter if this was not or is not your story in life; you are the birthright to a bloodline. So lets mature in ourselves and move forward; with time that is not on rewind.  There is a higher interest now involved. Either these arrival dates is anticipated or not. There is a life depending on "real love". And eventually there is this one day, but not right now. In the Book of Life it is recorded for all in humanity that reads; our final resting Takeoff dates. 

We can plan for a life with each other. We can be surprised by the unexpected in our own human participations. But we can also deny God is not of the spirit. Debate that Life is the final existence before claiming death is not or eternal. but where in mankind is the proof; where the spirit resides? In a world we created of "Life". 

Love is the greatest gift of All. No matter how much we give r take. In remembrance of each other"s Arrivals & Takeoff dates"

Love never ends. The truth is destined to surface. If the reality is it's in Faith that live's through the Spirit. 



Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...