Wednesday, June 28, 2023


No, matter the describing a place called 'heaven'. Are either the act demonstrated in  Mankind to exhault of its own beliefs, perceptions & ideas. Towards the assigned laws & what practices will be done on earth. Of the living or departed spirits. We know in our own truths if not faiths. The Book of Life was written before the birth in mankind. Although, many books have been written throughout the history of humanity.

So, is getting lost in the sauce is easy. And losing hope is like a magnet to gravity. And being tested is not knowing how deep the quicksand; is underneath our human feet.

So, when people are summoned from this life in a Purificaton; stage of... It's hard to not feel pain & sustain in focus. Even I endure the same emotions of love, and a state of lack & abundance, and the setback in grief to feel hope, again. But never giveup or in. "Why", take a moment to re-focus, breathe & meditate in a silent place. To find comfort under the "convenant", where the "Promise", is commisioned. For there will be those in the physical of this world who will manipulate one another with the "test", to challenge where the faith stands. Remember peace runs deep. Just be cautious of whom & how we question the why, then respond back when life occurs. If not just keep watching far above in the sky. Why, even mankind knew the signs existed the entire time. As we have yet ourself's to meet on a date of final judgements. 

Over generations we are protected with this blanket of "grace & mercy", no matter what is witnessed in life's adversity. Through it All mankind has walked around life in 1 breathe. Which is Ontop of the dirt, not knowing what is deeper beneath the earth. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...