Monday, January 2, 2023


The word Security; can be described as an "action word". 

We seek the "Security", of each other. We seek financial security. We seek the "Security" to intervene. We invested in of a "Security", as a preventative measure. We added an extra layer of "Security", for a cost. We need "Security" to protect our own private personal "Interest". 

Once we are educated in why, "Words", navigate a story line if not change or exhaust an entire conversation. If not cause a physical "action". To address an "effect".  Because if the "Security: is not in place. Revolving doors open to "opportunities & opportunitist.  

Life teaches; in our individual  truths, actions & transactions. How we relate or disconnect over what is a learned, experienced are educated. And often there is the; miscommunication, ammicable communication are rebuttal to communicate. However, the actual occurences of what is a  personal "experience", still exist. No matter how we test the theory, anaylze the interaction or examine the "Cause & Effect".

The moral is this. We know Truth lies in between; two individual parties, and the real facts in  what really occurred. We know the stories of life are not far from the same in experiences. Life would be extra complicated if every individual person on earth; experienced that 1 specific life situation. We know what we are taught, listen and learn; does not always determine our final projection in who we become. We know life is not predictable. So how can "expectations", be expected to be predicted on each other. 

This word "Security", is without a doubt "Relevant". Why, without the action in place. There is no Protection over what is the real "Interest" in of what is "Secured". However, alway's ask. Take a moment and reflect on what is worthy of being "Secured & Protected". If we know that life is unpredictable "as we've experienced based on our personal lives & interactions". Then whom is sought of the"expectation". To "Secure" what needs to "Protected".

Exodus: 14:14


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...