Saturday, January 21, 2023

Am I My Brothers,Keeper?

Whether, we debate Prophecy. Are who is continuing the "Gas Lighting ". To agree are disagree; with each other. Mankind did not clone or create itself in the physical. Are neither was Mankind hand delivered by a characterized tale of a stork swarming through the Blue, Grey are Darkest skies in between "heaven & under the earth's core ". The reality is Mankind was created by a higher power. Beyond the physics in science of mankind's gift in knowledge; for every physical and mental gift. In mankind is unexplained. But a birthright born through human existence. The gift of; life.

We can debate religion. However, religion will alway's be a choice made in one's self practice of; one's morals, values & beliefs.

We can hide the family affairs. Demonstrate in our behaviors the "Narcissisism",  in cohabitations of each other. As the old cliché said is "the skeletons exist from the grave in the living, of our individual closets". Of windows made of glass, houses built on foundations. Of concrete pavements, divided by plastered walls, frame bolted doors, walked on of wood and splintered floors. The reality is the secrets of our lives will never change. And neither will the scars from our joy to pain. But yet we continue to question why the struggle is so real, in this life. In a place that guilt & entitlement is severely; justified, utilized and encouraged over each other in this life.

We can educate poverty, wealth and live with how and why; DV leaves a burden to bare. We can manipulate avenues to feed a few. As many struggle with internal addictions. We can deny mental illness is increasing around this world. We can address treating depression, as homelessness is spreading throughtout the world. However, the struggle is still real for All. As we search to find what is the determining factor. In how "money, is still being distributed, hidden & disrespected. Debt will drive a sane person over the edge. While Roe vs. Wade is the platform of conversation around this entire world. As we run for cover it's the secrets that will birth new nations in chaotic wars. Greed & Deceit will drive homicides nearer to an apocalypse. As every human eye and hand", will watch as other's rush to Labor in panic. To create an infrastructure to support the earth's surface on top. However, Global Climate Control is shifting underneath the earth; as we move abroad. 

The point is this; we have managed to do nothing; without each other's knowledge. The reality is we were born to a paternal father & maternal mother. not of this supernatural experience. But because of "Birth, that brought forth many lives". In this skin we cover in.

What type of Time & Opportunity do we really; respect. As we watch our children wavering to live, laugh and play. As for any adult that claims the title in arrogance. There is not much; to figure out. In whose plan; we are divided in of many nations.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...