Friday, January 27, 2023


The emotion Anger, stems from a fragile space. Of human energy. And life experiences over the duration of time. And it does not matter of the environment, relationships are associations. Anger is this inconsistent management of handling a calibrated series of negative emotions. 

Although, anger could be  resolved in of initiating anger management. The reality is Anger could erupt in any unforseen moment. Which creates the mental state of Anxiety, Paranoia and Fear.

Never assume we are made of Krpytonite. The reality is "superheroes, are characterized". But for every expectation we place on ourselves, we also place the burden of obligations on each other. And the end result will almost never add up. To reach a level of feeling complete fulfillment.Why, because we are emotional creatures. Whether we accept our own truths. Regarding our own individual; secure or insecurities.

Three years ago, I experienced a life changing event. And because of this experience; space & comfort is a requirement. Today I spoke with a stranger who suffered a catastrophic episode; but internally the trauma still has not completly healed. While in another part of life, this world is constantly changing. As we watch through; the naked eyes. Of different lenses across the world of all nations.

Overtime anger has Activated "War's, and even in this era there is talks of more. Anger has castrated relationships, some relationships that will never be mended because the trust remains broken. As crowds rally around the entire world. There is this struggle to facilitate inner Peace and outer Peace; even amongst ourselves. 

The truth is this, safety is a measurable act, society is a space filled with a multitude of ideas, emotions, hands, feet and ears. While gaining each other's attention is critical in each other's; eyes. It's preparation that will determine who and what is a consistent state; in this life. As time allows a long or short term action plan. This human emotion called "Anger". Internally it's this harnessed emotional Wall. Externally this same wall has divided humanity over generations. That struggle; to tear it down.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...