Wednesday, March 15, 2023


There is one mankind on this entire earth. However, there is many types of people & animals created of physical features in a male & female. Throughout the universe. 

And for the sake of an argumentive statement; consider the reasoning in why, there is some of many people in this life. who have not experienced genuine human affection, living freewill if not traveling abroad.

And no matter what we disagree, team up together in of collaborations. If not  agree overall and individually or collectively. Nothing will change the natures of law, inhabitants in our relationships, are neither our life stories.

On earth watch how there is this immediate natural human extraction between a female & male. And it's not rare any gender cohabitates with it's own. Also, it's funny how age is not exempt. Even babies posses a male's scent because mom is the first scent that baby identifies with. Therefore we're drawn to one another by our natural human instinct; see why a child of any age will seek their maternal & paternal parents. So what is it about this genetic pattern in being humans. We live in our own human practices; of morals,values and beliefs. Then search in each other to figuring out the individuality ourselves. Not excluding understanding what is sexuality about? Of raging hormones. However as humans were not fearless in experiencing each other; physically and emotionally. Then in our own behaviors asking or not of human knowledge through explanations of what is it about myself; the others judge if not what makes me feel so different. Everyone is asking what has been taught if not being  teachings to each other around this world. And what is occurring in the cycles of life. Knowing it's were all human; therefore the answer's already exist in ourselves. As we struggle internally figuring out; emotionally & physically our human needs; is not far from the same, in ourselves.

If we are to understand each other in this life. Would it be more significant to learn more about ourselves. As children are born every minute around the world. Some idea thought; is  people population should be minimized. Only if we were to openly admit; life is going to happen, and people will panic. Therefore there is no limit to educating. what is "needed" in a revolving world; no Power can control.

What is this emotion call denial. And if we are talking on to ourselves about internal fears. Remember for every child that is born; our history is being taught to them.

"Mom, everyone does not get it All at the same time". I know son the lesson to learn for US All is one day maybe our minds will be open to learning more about oneself. Empathy & flowing compassion for each other will occur. And regarding Love; people fall in and out every day. In God we Trust; remove it from access to money and the world is destined to change. But this immortal word "entitlement" is a selfish human act of placing expectations on each other not oneself. Causing Wars, snd multiple Threats. Over the innocent for non ammicable negotiations. And disrespect of human life. Is where people shut down on each other to communicate. Knowing for generations we are bonded for life; because of our cohabitations in this life.

If you give birth to a child. That child will seek over their lifetime; support in comfort & emotional attachment. If you have had a sexual encounter with another human; it does not matter the gender are race. Either you feel a type of human attraction. If you desire or fantasize to be wealthly & powerful; reality is we as humans depend on each other to fufill this void.     

❤️ 1991-2020. It's inevitable "mom" for generations our feet stumble over each other's in this life. Our emotions has caused us to react in uncontrollable & controlled behaviors towards each other. But everyday we must learn to live in a state of peace from within. And the moment there is no peace of mind. The battle I figured out eventually comes Full Circle; battles that result in internal Wars. Due to our relationships here on earth. For every start is the beginning which ends in this life. And negativity & positive is a choice. In our lifetime; it's how we work on ourselves then breed together. To see the finishing product of our human Relationships. That progress, end in every human demise. Or that is still being written; in humanities lifetime.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...