Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Privacy Rights

The structure was implemented of branches in Goverment. However, the guidelines & protocols. Will require every consumer's prompt attention to seek the resources to be further educated; by pardon if  one to another. 

The moral is this if Our  world continues to evolve. The next level of education, is critical; for All.

These small Children are the next generation of  consumers to face life changing challenges. Of what we currently are of as Leaders, Families, Parents & All People  Transforming in; of who makes the Powerful decisions; today. That will dictate the choices in what has or not been genuinely communicated  about. The change is drastic. And knowing how to approach anytype of transition in life with the Power of Freewill will determine; a measurement in progression. Towards a future no one can project  of it. In a Climate or undertermined Climax. 

RIP the old days & ways, our thinking must change. For this New World we must All be educated on a few critical facts to motivate more Growth; in our indivual self's.

Ghost Writer "1991-2020".


All over the world; our educator's known as  teacher's are preparing lesson plans. As Principals are securing the premises, school board officials are reviewing the projective budgets, and ratios of academics. As all races of children is to be expected in attendance. And even Pre-k students is expected to attend. For our children to excel education is crucial. In the early development stage of their own life journey. The Public education starts with Plans to prep for success. By reaching & retaining all these children around the world. By showing consistency in supporting the path of their next level; of graduations, college degrees, trades, professional careers, job training skills. If not enlisting in the military. And pardon on behalf of this entry, of any anticipated discretion. The Reality is our World is right now; shifting. With or Without; the necessities desperately needed of tool's to further the education systems; throughout the entire world children need our undivided; help.

So what has transitioned in education? First, lets review the Narrative. Second, learning is expected to be the first developmental skill that is educated at that childs foundation. And lastly, a strong support system and role models is the pillar of that childs encourgement. That will shadow all races of children. 

As a child, my mothers profession was in education "special needs and counseling". Did I have 1 advantage. Yes, I had a solid foundation. That changed the narrative with encouragement to further seek more education. And yes, this characteristic was passed on to my only son, and he then passed. But should this chracteristic pass on; the question is are we All educated to a level to commit ourselves to All progress in knowledge. I remember the approach taken attending pre-k, elementary, middle & high school, then college History vs. Sociology. Knowing The foundation of education is still the makeup of  History. Of All People of many cultures. Of many human actions. From causes to affects, and contributions to accomplishments. That created a chain reaction in humanity of life changing events. This history including every country that remains open for platform's to address generations of Q&A's. Why, we still lack in understanding more of individuality in History. That has not changed it's actual occurrences. It's what is presented in the classrooms of historical events. That reshaped our understandings in education over generations. Is the history that is reiterated but "paraphrased". So no culture is thoroughly educated about each other's "authencity". And historical facts is not hidden in books on shelf's. The books are written & available resources. But for generations we have become accustomed to what is educated in the classrooms. If not society. That remain; greatly debated amongst ourselves; and Platforms around the world. 

So, in reality can we honestly respect we even know enough about our own generational history. To educate our own children in this new generation. So moving forward they alone can engage individually through the diversity & adversity. Knowing education is still segregated by what is taught about the real People who make up the original history. 

All children will face life obstacle's. Thereforce they will face diversity based on their; economics, social skills, educational backgrounds, job skills, academics, and scholar advantages. Even to attend Private Sectors. Overall, public or private safety is another level of human conversations; mental illness is a condition in all ages. While around the world we are attempting to figure out; of who & what is to be done in peace; to save ourselfs. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...