Tuesday, April 18, 2023


Over the history of  human existence. We have witnessed; collectively in every culture & race; the progression of the human race.

Over the course of life; it remains a mystery to why; were we born to find our individual purpose in a world of purpose for mankind. As a human race we have Lived & demised in different eras of each other. A history based on on our past & future legacies. Breeded  biologically because of our roots to DNA. 

The DNA that flows in our human bodies. Traced backed to validate; a right to human identities. Is where our birthright's began. of life on earth. Of many races of mother's & father's. Who acted in cohabitation with each each other. Creating the seeds of  human life. Prospering generations in mankind with children. So, yes it's undeniable. For every human being in this life. The makeup is every biological root in families that traces back; to our original identities.

If we were to even attempt to unravel why  Religion is a strong belief in humanity. We then must address our own human actions. For it has been over centuries of  argument; to why did the judgement lead to the final persecution.

If time is not tangible. Life is this vapor of air & space. Then who in humanity is the chosen  of Power to dictate; one human race. Of all was chosen unto a life given of freewill.

To choose or not to; believe. Is still knowing the difference. How so, because we are the makeup of life. Born unto each other. Educated by each other. But created for a purpose; amongst another. 

In All knowing; mankind has watched closely the progression of it's own existence. Throughout the course of life. It was the history for mankind was given a purpose in life; originally written for a course over time. And for every human act is the details of our own history. Where dates & Time has proven Humanity has either chosen; right or wrong. So we stand in the presence of each other around the world. To continue figuring out; purpose. As we judge each other. It's our goverment identities that bound us in civilization. And our human roots & the connections over time; that bring it All together, moving forward.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...