Tuesday, May 16, 2023


To idolize or adore. In the state of mental thinking. Of the physical being. Towards another being,  statute, action, or material things.

In today's society, worship & praise is a freewill in All mankind. Whether it be the freewill to choose & serve; Religion, Economics, Politics, or Street Credibility.

Again, my son was robbed of a freewill; his life. And over a course of Time All truth prevailed. By the responses of  activated response teams. Amongst Us all is a community divided by streets, pavements and walls. Associated to the demographics. Is a society of every environment. Architecturally built on infrastructure. We are the human race that cohabitate. The DNA's of  individual identities. And awareness is knowing who we are & belong to in our individuality. But also knowing who we are around OF each other; collectively. On earth, no one is exempt neither of male or female; justice, equality or inequality, or neither life & death. However, let's be clear on what has been educated throughout human history; about ourselves. From our child births. To knowing the value in knowing our own human worth. What is diligent? And demanding of our self capabilities, to act in accountabily. The reality is the Truth is a narrative; we're just not prepared to face n digest of it. In acceptance.

Let's identify what occurs on earth; resources, things & people associated to beliefs,  rituals, and what is idolized. But not every  practice in humanity is looked upon as a type of  sacrifice. Allow our brilliant minds to not dismiss; religion and  using the religious belief in demonic deceit. Although the outcome of the "beliefs" has proven in humane acts; do often occur on earth. And what is educated All over the world. We could even argue over; who & what Form of presentation is  delivering the "Narrative". 

Let's start with  discussing "Idol GODS". It's no secret. In humanity the temptation runs in our blood. So, we justify the controversial  reasoning to judge each other. Instead of understanding our human differences.

So, what is the disrespect to be educated about the "Streets, and it Rules, to control a street mindset mentality, of street behaviors". In what form of language is this dialect; are we All inevitable to surrendering in?

And on this entire earth; who gave who in the flesh; Dominion & Power over our community & families. Or who is the Author over the original dialogue? And how was this Street Code established for the poor & wealth of an environment. Of the appointed campaign organizers, promoters, to gain the attention of;  generations in readers & followers in society, and on social media. 

Diversified in multiple locations. Of local or worldwide disguised; brotherhoods, chapters, and mediators. In what  cover of a book is the copyrights we can locate of The Street Rules. These rules that segregates humanity. A Street summon to All nations of mankind. Of debated  dishonored human loyalty; over mankind a planned Takeover of our own generation.

In what accredited class can we enroll to understand more of the design of Street rules in humanity. Where is the evidence that street rules possess a manual not spiritual blapshemy. To educate what is the building steps to development in our personal religious & family relationships, educating the ability to build ammicable social relationships, even in our own communities; opportunity to possess land in ownership & infrastructure to build  housings. Why, is the prison & juvenile system a business based on the projection of behaviors to incarcerations. That allegedly is the stem of street code activities, and this street sense how can it be categorized. and  what approach do we educate each other; in of knowledge. Knowing  hypothetically street code is the affect of one human to human contact; of behaviors. followed by what continues to dismantles economics, unity in families & communities. So, who  and when do we explain how Street code educates real people to the elders & children; the most vulnerable. And those who are mentally trying to heal not decompose. Simply to follow each other; and where? Based on a set of Street rules & demands. Exempting out the approach to restore human hope. Are what type of Hope is street code; offering to the people. To establish growth in economics & infrastructure. And for the future of our own generations where is the established investments  for the crucial need in health care. This Street Code module when does the street credibility benefit towards contributions to the cost of genocides. preventative care, food resources, sponsorships & time to educate on platforms safety through sex education, rehabilitation from drug addictions, and coping by managing mental illness. 

What is educated about Redlining for access to gain from a Universal banking system. What about our own youth; to further support their education. And on the "why, how" gang awareness surrounds every environment. Of communities of homesteads, public & private; school. Are is it we're to be diverted in our emotions of denial. To not address the "WHY" is the Street mental movement mobilized. Through vehicles of enterprise. Driven by the  promotions of elected others. Overseen over ERAS. Not limited to the lyrics profited & sold through the RAP music. No, disrespect all types of music has been the pillow instrument throughout all human history.

Even in our own communities. The setup in the coordination to adapt on main stream of media to attract; a mindset. From the oldest & youngest of children, siblings mothers(our nurturers) & fathers (our protectors). Revealed on platforms referencing Street code worship. We witness in the physical. Our organizations stance in lines of framed pride; videos advertising our personal daily lives. It's the self advertisement & lyrics, that's not Defamatory. But we can reference the historical recordings of real artifacts. That support the suffering thats being sterotyped over existing human  accomplishments. Those  images & faces behind; Big Fish ideas. To elevate mobilizing Street Rules. To idolize a platform of street credibility. Around the world.

The reality is if we are more educated in the Why, these Street Rules are anytype of rules. Enrich r subtract from our daily human lives. Not overlooking alleviating a people genociding each other over worldy indiscretions. As a people regarding this Street Rule, code and behaviors. It's what is lacking in the education we overlook to focus on the narrative. Could it enlighten our mental compass? For we are segregated amongst our own over the Street code that eventually reunites; us in humanity together of pain. 

To sharing the fact gathering from our personal experiences.   All over the world it's a dominoe affect. Why, because of the human suffering and the "narrative idolized".  Argumentive but mentally passed on from generation to generation. 

Again, we live in a world OF MOVEMENT. Of sinful human natures. around every corner of this world we witness, what we show of no empathy. We judge of what is shown of compassion. Then as human beings we reproduce children. Within our same mindsets of; morals, values & beliefs. This human nature. And know we're not All believer's of change, in God, of each other, of a Religion, Non religion are spiritual practices. It does not discriminiate on the Good & Bad in Us. However, a choice is a Freewill in mankind. Knowing We cohabitate in this SKIN; of all races. 

We choose to read for our own understandings, we worhip each other in the physical, we worship idol images, we wear our clothe beliefs for the world to watch sometimes mock. We speak different dialect, to crack the codes. And either we question how is it our lives are devalued. More than often by the hands of each other. So, we could agree to disagree for the rest of this life. Until eternity. It's hard knowing the truth really hurts. Eventually the truth is exposed because of our own; human acts. But to know is being aware. Of when we attempt to justify the behaviors; in the wicked & good things in humanity. That's soil back into the ground.

Why, Because there is nothing mankind has demonstrated. That has not been done of an action, under the sun. 

We have lived, and perished in this life in all ages, races, genders & cultures. We continue to attempt to silence our own history. Through the Power of tongues. As our eyes continue to witness; each other, is knowing it All. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...