What is the current worlds, numeric population? Including those of the missing.
Even in this moment. In the inner cities and across the globe. People of All ages & races; are going missing. But no one can truely say; where?
How is it there are those of innocence living in deplorable conditions, around each other. And no one has a clue?
However, the laws are being passed on for approval. Of what measure is to be taken. To ensure "Safety", reaches every human being in a Population.
The world is this holding space of divided places. Of wandering eyes & feet. But also is the windows of mankinds soul; closely watching every pair of feet. That moves.
Homefronts, is more than just secluding ourselves behind shelter. Made of bolts, chains, pavements, boards, flooring and doors. Amongst every environment in a society. Across the world "Safety", should be a shelter, as well.