Monday, July 3, 2023

Domestic Violence

It could occur in any race, gender and age category. Not excluding an economic status, society and demographic.

Violence has occured over decades and generations of human history. And although the resources are unlimited in information. The real healing; begins. Once that leap of faith. From a fearful place; is taken control of residency in our minds. That heart is destined to follow in line. Because time is the only element that is patient enough; for those who are silently hurting inside. To heal those hollow wounds. And restore hope. To figure out. Those bruises may have been unwelcomed in this life. But internal peace; is the control we possess.

Remember, the children are depending are us. And families heal better; together. And no matter the circumstances in this life. Life is precious, and we all matter. Even on our individual journey's. It's what & how we figure out. The real value is; first loving ourselves.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...