Wednesday, July 19, 2023


If are when, it's your turn to deal with the Grief. Understand going through grief; is a process. With no time limit on it.

The relevant decision every human being will face, during the processing of grief. Is identifying with the time & space you deserve to pray as desired, love, pamper, protect &  care for yourself.

And, its ok to smile from within. How so, think about Grief as this house guest that visits without warning, departs at any given time. Then unannouced returns back again.

The secret to Grief is this; knowing you've done, did are accepted; whatever it was & is. For the living will eventually depart, as well. From this life. Its written in The Book Of Life. As time is still in charge, so will you, I, us and them; depart. But today, say to that grief. I will face grief on my  terms. Because in this Vapor of life. Time is All we have; left.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...