Monday, November 27, 2023


At what age does setting boundaries start? At what stage is boundaries; respected by All.. Well, until understandings in our personal feelings & needs are figured out. We can begin the healing if not maturing in; self expression  in honoring of our own set in human personal boundaries.

Question, how do we begin as human beings to recognize that even children possess their own form of setting personal boundaries? And more than often boundaries are overstepped. In knowledge or uneducated awareness. Which occurs at every age on every type of association & relationship category. 

Why, until we figure out suppression of our own personal feelings disturbs finding a "Balance" in ourselves. Where we possess any form of limitation that is set in our own lives. Of what is allowed to figuring out. Who is in control. Around time desperately needed; to figuring out more about ourselves as people.

We know children are born to a set of DNA, paternal & maternal people. These same people is the makeup to these born babies. As the developmental stages of growth progress. So, do we as these human beings in our individual feelings. The reality is progression does not always occur; at the same time around stages of any human development. 

In the real world; it takes a village to raise 1 child. And a familiy in unity is not limited to individiual families.  In humanity we have cohabitated in a broad way. With or without every human beings respect of consistency in personal boundaries. But also, is our individual common sense of human understandings. Of identifying with what is allowed of a resources to assist, support and educate each other. In how to move forward in progression to emotionally heal. Because 1 day we will become these same parents of all people in this world. And what we are groomed & educated on. To personally grow will influence & impact us individually; in All. 

As we coexist in a world of searching if not in each other. For security of our own; identities.

Scenario; death separates parents, families and children. Not limited to blended families. Regardless of the status people are affected; emotionally & financially. However, boundaries will shift. So, does the human expectations, types of communication. And reality of real life human situations. 

We All are people of many races. That belong to generations of bloodines in DNA. A relationship does not establish the history of our self identity. So, we search in each other a sense of belonging to each other if not individual; existence. 

The moral is we in humanity of All people "Judge". However, no one was created in this entire life. Without roots tied in DNA. Every human being is born with an identify. 

Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...