Wednesday, December 20, 2023


A New Year is closer to 2024. And preparation is an excellent start. For whatever you envision of your next chapter; will be written. By a Best Selling Author. Based on our individual life experiences. Thanks to Time for being non discriminatory,  24/7/365 days a year. It was alway'sTime that recorded US; in All of mankind. Even  amongst borders, secrets and fine grey areas in lines.

In memory of yesterday. Why, because The legacy of life. Is still being written patiently. According to Time. By every Author who  has documented every step of each other's & our own life. Is many stories about ownership, and trademarked of personal journey's. Stiched on in every case recorded. Of human life; including sensitive documented & undocumented history.

In acknowledgement of the; babies pure at heart, youth & elders stay keen in thoughts. Wisdom is a gift. And it was humanity that fufilled every story in life; eventually you will be tested. Because Power is Knowledge for every seed planted; somethings grow in roots. For our legacy to pass on. Makes up the worlds history. And just incase we are called to release of those in the missing of this life. Our tears, sweat & blood still lives. Although we can't plead a case to reclaim of your natural breath to resune a place back in this life.  Moving forward  every life on earth a story will continue to be written. Until Time turns these days of light into permanent night. And the final compilation n All of humanity; is entered.

The course is ran by All in humanity. There is nothing new, that has not be done Under the Sun of A Son. As it was The committment that tested our human; faiths. While the Truth vs. Lies shined light throughtout Time in every move made in humanity. Of the who, the what, the when and the how. It All started & ended. Of what was enforced of obscured Obligations. That divided, US in All in focusing. On who would stay in Faith & Committed; to stand for the final World ending

History writes it's own story. We in humanity just fufill every story.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...