Tuesday, January 30, 2024


Now that all nations of races & faces in mankind. Has figured out in every corner of  border & landmarks and bunkered room; accross the world. Every form of humanity has; relocated. By air, water, ship, driven & programed vehicles. Including on foot accross the sand & grassy land. Advertised, and on programs of platforms multiple levels; in this entire world.

Every race of mankind. Is consumed of needing control. Control Of a word they will never own of in this world. Why, because of broken up families in roots of generations, broken communities & unchanged laws. Creating barriers & bridges. Beyond human repair; here on earth. Only if we could figured out the drama over one word "Territority". Divided amongst each other in respect; we all have, controlled by disrespect of power; we all lose together beyond generations


In the Deeds of All of history. No one has every secured the Deed for planet earth. As humans destroy the value of Life; that is being tore down in the blink of our OWN eyes.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...