Thursday, January 4, 2024

Speed dial

Have you ever listen to what people are saying? I mean in a way of distingushing if the form of communication is a; statement, remark or a comment that leaves a question mark?

Because not every one is seeking a response, sometimes people just need you to listen.

Have you recently ignored a Text message? And later answered with a delayed response.

Has another person ask; you did not have a good year, last year? An  attempt to troll through your head..

Have you told yourself  lately "I love you, more". Before quickly replying back " I love you to". With no hesitation.

Have you ever wandered are caught, whose watching each other; around a room, space, place in this world. As you are focused on what's directly ahead of you?

Wonder why, 8 am causes chaos? When human choices is optional.

In any moment from now; watch & listen, for "Talk To Me", is body language speaking outloud.

Have you wasted or spent quality time. On yourself or maybe something or someone else? Ever Repeated the pattern over again. On another day, in another moment.

If this world is made up of human interactions. Then how do we not know; the action of two way communications.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...