Friday, June 7, 2024

Double Jeopardy

 "Bad company corrupts, good character". Even if you're a forgiver. As in All persons we possess human flaws.

It's the extent some will go. To prove the flaws in another; to vindicate themselves in another's successful or unsuccess to a downfall.

Why, Character & Charismatic is two different levels of behavioral patterns. Where one is the natural design in one self. And the other is a misrepresented or representation of an image to pursue; another person. The reality is mastering the art of pursuasion; also has a Domino affect.

Example, the opportunitist. Will only expose to you. A character that lurks on any opportunity of relaxed vulnerability. Which is "Trust & Loyalty". Remember trust is earned not given; to nobody is the exception. However, there are times we lean on our own human thinking with our hearts; which tells our minds. To let guards down this one time. Is when boundaries are wide open for the opportunity to figure out; those human weaknesses & strengths.

What is learned about life is this. Every person & situation eventually changes. Therefore Relationships are established in All forms of a connect. What we walk away with in understanding; of why  boundaries are destined to be tested. So, trust that boundaries will be crossed by even the closet. And no character in title or associations, is limited. In of. Who &  When will in the Test is going to happen.

🛑28, talking. Then closely watch as listening. Why, It's never to late. When Time already has its own Plan; for every move, motive & intention.



Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...