First, step. Focus. On how does it or not; affect us in. Of All. Why, cohabitation & relationships is the thread that stitches the pattern in this entire world.
Then how in a world is it possible to manage each other; until we in Us. Have learned to individually, trust we know enough about ourselves.
I often asked; past tense. Of my only son. How do you feel, what are your thoughts? Verses it's not All about me as the parent. In reality I must even manage my own thoughts. Being human as a parent; I knew my child needed to independently comprehend & understand; As human development requires growth. And the time to naturally nurture & mature in alignment. With thoughts & physical growth in one's own; body, mind & soul.
The key to any type of human contact; remains to be surrounded by RESPECT.
One example, is Grief & Stress. The two emotions interact. Jealousy & Anger. So, in a world of people. How are, if not who can feel one emotion; and control the both from crossing an emotional path? Without control; we're just out of control. Now apply this analogy into this entire human world.
The Cycles of life birth, homicide, control and death. Will impact the mind & physical body; over time. The question is who is anyone that's human can judge; yet we're all accountable & guilty. Of desires to contain complete control of one over another.
If we're All human by design. And for the world to see is the body made up of; Anatomy.
Who has ever said you're'out of control, can't be handled'. Who, is in humanity in control at All times in this life. So, what is the Emotional Intelligence level; in each other. If it's not been figured out. In how individually do we as human beings possess complete control of our own; human emotions.
If we one day figure out the WHY, the story line will complete it's life mission because of Time. Know one gets left behind.