Thursday, July 25, 2024

Children of Children

In every culture, community and family. A child is being born. Into a DNA of it's own blood lines.

In light of every child that is born on this earth. It's a continuance of another cycle of life. Included is death. As we search the scrolls & patterns of life. It's the authentication of history. That restores of what was never; a secret or mystery.

Time is an element no human can deflect from. Or neither debate and win. Why, no matter what is or not. The effect will reveal it All. For a lifetime there will forever; exist of the established & establishment. And let's not get lost. In self assessments & assumptions. Amongst forms of types in boundaries. Exist the division of the marker's. Until a request for the test. 

If we only knew; in whom. And who & what. We were destined to learn from. And deal with in our human ways. How would we have or still can better prepare. Steady relationship. Are just establish; respect is earned. For there is destined to be leaders & leadership. Amongst our own is the protectors & oppressor's. Guardians & Guardianship. Of who we become; as one. If not of how much do we know of our individual self's. To either respect or show in disrespect of each other. 

In this generation we are no longer living just a sandwich generation. Huh? We are the blended children, young adults and elders. Seeking each in other's identities and identify. For direction, affection and some form of physical attachment to belong. In a world of cohabitation. Is the labor pains of new life. Happening in this moment. Another birth guarantees the the next generation is now occuring. But not mature to lead. In this current  generation. Of Two generations within one. Is the generations that continue to depart earth.

Ever faced; the reality in understanding why one's health. Is either personal and in it valuable wealth. Are being educated on what's long-term wealth. That individually is knowing enough about ourselves. Why, what occurs? Any physical or mechanical thing. eventually breaks down. As the Why, is collectively  resuming in movement of Time. Is humanity predicting the plans for each other on earth.

What happens when the Paton is lingering in the Air. Between all these of the last,  middle and the future generation of births. That is not as prepared. Because somewhere 'its all figured out, of what's still not working out'. As the last generation is current. In this generations personal affairs. The debates; of each others Affairs of Life. Reveals the Lack of Life's Knowledge. Is passing over; another generation. 

'mom don't worry, I'll figure it out'. And my dearest son. Once you grasp the WHY around People, Yourself in Life. I'll always be ontime. If you promise to never give up on yourself. Cause even the generations before you. left a work; undone on earth. Therefore remember my child your Progression is self pace. Not a priority in meeting; any deadlines in expectations. That brings you disappointments & pain.


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...