Friday, July 12, 2024



Once the lines have been drawn. Ages have been respected. If not the eager desire of angles directed. Permissions are no longer; appreciated. Climaxes are overrated. And lines are being crossed; in every direction. Then where do we go? To explore more of our self. If not dive into; of figuring out. What permanent pleasure is All about. 

We talk about love, infatuation, obsession & lust. But yet discovered; how to respect. What about what is released of ourselves. Unto this submission, from one to the other. Where the beauty & definition bodily awaits; of the experience. In releasing into unset boundaries. Is the expected trust; unto each other. Before the US find out; why appreciating the Time. Sometimes is not fulfilling as we anticipated. Of what has to continue in the both of US, to learn about each other. In a world of human attractions. Without human restraints. We disregard; even our own bodies boundaries. Why, loneliness is a; beast. When these human emotions in desires run deep. Of anticipated low, medium & intensified heat. Before can we figure out; the factors that need to waiver & balanced out. As somethings are a hit or miss. Before acting out. On the instant attractions. In first sight; of the physical Anatomy.

So, how do we teach our boys about; their bodies, feelings, caresses, and types of relationships. Before diving into uncharted places. Of their own emotions? The same way we are. Or not teaching our girls; about safeguarding  those pearls. Female or Male. The both will require ample time to both physically & mentally mature. Before dipping in, and diving out. One must first learn; how to understand and owner operate a work; in one self. Before inviting in someone else. Who has yet familiarized in themselves; personal relationship with safeguarded boundaries.

We are breeding the birth's of an entirely new generation in a generation. And everyone has their own human judgement & opinions; on these  stereotypes. As humans are in a race. In and out of relationships. As fast as turning off & on; of a light switch.  And if relationships are the news status in this world. 1 Corinthians 15:33 also exist in chosing. Unfortunately, affection & love. Both require time experience & patience. Why, two-way communication is still universal. In this entire world. In times the human packaging & deliverance; is quickly sold to each other. Then immediately broken of the seal; is trust & loyalty. That Leaves the inside untouched; in a state of emotional neglect & abandonment. Then comes the justification in the why. To remove all the old memories. And seek immediately. Of the next to satisfy. If not just take personal time. To refocus heal, breathe & love life.

When these physical mechanicals; no longer work. How do we fix; the mental state in each other? Before, fixing what's loose in ourselves. And even children of youth are in their idea minds of a type in relationships. A strong concern. Until we  educate enough in ourselves; to teach. Is to learn who we are; in ourselves. To suggest 'claiming' to know more about each other; beyond intimate contact. 

Life did not come with a manual of instructions. But we are accountable to teach each other. And Learn what is equipped in these bodies. So, who will teach our children; about fantasies is make believe. But experience in love is Powerful. And what happens when once we repeat it to one another. Or feel the falling in love. Of the same ingredients we have yet learned. To control in our own individuality. As human beings.

I remember my son was 13. And so was his body changing. I knew as human being. The female and male is equipped differently. Both Psychologically and in Anatomy. However, emotions are based in Individuality. The physician ask would you prefer; confidentiality. The reply was, no. If I am to understand myself as a young man. This is an opportunity for US in the room; together to understand, mature & grow.

It's inevitable for mankind to exist alone in this world. Why, Without knowledge we lack in understandings; of ourselves and each other. Therefore it's impossible for children to not grow up. Asking questions to figure out. In knowing the differences about themselves. In a world of education, is also intimidation. And good reads stacked on shelves. Of romance novels, there is also relationship experts, forums and inspiring love songs. And in the real world is those awaiting to step in; and start the real raw conversations. Knowing the possibilities in this life; of Cohabitations. Is destined in All. Of time will eventually cross paths.

Why, In a world of humans that yearn attention from one to another. In our struggles we seek; comfort, security & direction. That will completely validate; each other's passion or desires. Why, the idea of possessing fulfillment. Of meeting emotional wants & needs. Of finding the forever in You, US, Them & Me. If not her or him. Eventually we figure out in time. What the real me; really needed. Was to figure out; what was sought of in my own emotions. Is this anticipating feeling; for some one else. To invest back in me. As they are also seeking; for the same emotional investment in themselves. 

Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...