Monday, August 26, 2024


First, Debrief, to think about. What is it in real time. That is occurring & appears. Amongst whomever is caught in; alone, together or with each other. Is the webs & cycles. That repeats this history dialogue. Of how humans are bound to or figure out;  together in an environment. Of how did we end up; in this web of Entrapment.

It's the struggle of associations. That weigh in on the mental & physical state. Where the state of being caught up into love. Is the possibility of a Whirlwind in circumstances; is no escape. From this gravity in weight.

Our youth will grow weary over time. Why, The protectors will by some default. Plan & place the stages set up; for one to another. For at anytime either could decide to take a step forward or back. But it's that weight; in our individuality. That will delay the next to make one step. Because no really knows; who will wither the Test of life. Until the storms  appear; and either we're together. If not one are the other. Runs to separate for shelter.

Why, as the elders have lived the days of our lives. We're just repeating the steps in another generation. And the stares are with patience. To observe in silence. What is no longer tolerable to watch what generations have put themselves; through. In every society is humanity; and collectively. Of what we as US  continue to do.

The issue in Society is everyone is watching. How each other is maintaining the titles, of roles and human expectations. That keeps the struggles real. How so, Keeping up with the narrative. That continues to advocate the 'status pro quo'. Eventually there is destined to be a fault. Behind every human click. Is another validated response that meets the desire of an invited expectation. That Escalates the searches in the comments section. The narrative is conversations blast Volume. Causing a forced reaction; to address one to another. Is more often sought. And common. To engage is the courtesy of what is arousing the threat. Of who is lurking to being enlightened. In All this world of advertising. One quick reflex to  update the world; of our own personal life statuses.  

What's dehumanizing is minimizing  another human beings; feelings. As we silence love. The real OPP often is the opposition of an image in the mirror. 

Why, is the finger tip one click; that destroys a good vibes. To set off another channel. Of currants flowing in human emotions. And yes, we're All headed somewhere in directions with this. Either way, in this life. We have managed to blame it Love. For feeling entitled to drain the Energy from each other. Produces conflict. The recipe for desire. Or ammunition to brew wild fires.

Together we've wrote the Narrative regarding love. Together we've over mankind Created the history in Why, the Entrapment. Is every narrative entered behind every element used of an awkward surprise. Human Intelligence filled up In Emotions.

Get ready for WHO, has to be the initiated; Fall Gals & or Guys. In love we desire the highest of our is own human expectations; from one to another. In every human role we as humans stand in. Is undeniable. The standing Roles in this space called life. Filled in these rooms; decorated is flaws & flawless choices.

Child or children of All ages, what's on your minds? Now that we know about; ourselves; at such early & maturer ages. Wisdom is this precious gift. No one is entitled to it. However, we in all. Must learn to Respect love. To expect sometimes these human feelings are not going to be reciprocated; back in love. Why, no one in mankind can remove a gift. Are transfer an emotion. To make it fit; in our wants verses needs of another person. 

Unless these emotions are naturally reciprocated; in energy. From one to another. Even in the Good or Bad. Exist s a state we are all conformed to. Is of being human. While, Wisdom is this silent partner. That intervenes in between our human emotions to deal with who; is selfless if not selfish.

While love continues to mature with growth overtime. How so, We just will never know; what is the wiring in our souls. then How do we know if we're All prepared; for each other in All?

First dealing with; the emotions in oneself is accepting. Individually our internal flaws. For the human will in exceptance. Maturity is more prepared to see the Real Faces that will eventually be exposed. Of whom are is still learning their human Roles; to grow. In This Entire World.

Beloved. Love will eventually conquer All. How so, without some type of human affection. We would surely perish. But in the meantime. Expect there to be traveling delays on the personal journey's in our individual lives. Is those be days to overcome; of this unraveling Entrapment. That's all about. First, who we as beings are in ourselves. Before being involved with someone else.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...