Saturday, August 10, 2024

These 4 Walls

Behind, beyond or staring at 'These 4 Walls'. Then why not 2? Well, if a thought was to be expanded. Then what makes of the dimensions of a box. Surely not in Tha 4 Corners. In what another human; just used in one analogy. Of real time. To  Not be trapped inside of fostered thinking. Would be to think out of it. Those corners of The Box.

In humanity, we talk to each other; every human on every day. Implying slick remarks towards each other; is destiny to get any type of people together. To being caught up in a conversation. Why, caught up? Remember what we say in any form of communication to one another; sticks around in the human minds. of these  human data based; is our conscious.

So, we alway's as human beings reach out for forgiveness, accept our voluntary participation in vibing. Or accept WHY, some people just don't possess a clear conscious or threshold. By continuing to add to these slick remarks. We just can't deny ourselves the internal drama. If we only could of paused the recordings; in ourselves, re-read our own text messages before clicking send. Are maybe not have answered those exchanged social media post at that moment of timing. Is this  immediate switch of cell phone numbers remains the records of history. Are had we just kept our arrogance; inside our own human heads. We just can't manage the storage of how & when the Universe; works. Instead this act of being slick is advocating of being educated. Is the new level of Intelligence. But limited education; is missing the rationalization for knowing. What is the platform. To navigate involvement of any participation of parties. In this slick talk around these 4 corners of the entire world. Is also these walls have ears, over years. Amongst these streets. Is the infrastruture on top of cobble & concrete  pavements and barriers is the walls. That Exist rooms of artifacts & physical movements. We could deny. If respect was a given. In our time together. To handle each other. Is acknowledging the WHY, it continues of cycle in patterns. We're just locked into our history of human affiliations. And were All thinking the embarrassment, once the possibility of the collateral damages; demands real answers. It's in the nature of laws. That runs deep in the wiring of being human. Is accepting our own internal flaws, fault or default; when and why we do the pillow talking. It actually occurs in vertical & horizontal positions. In every move on earth; of the living.

The issue in when people figure out. Why, forgiveness. How, do we as humans  collect All this information about each other. Allocate it to be Stored as 'don't speak on IT', then ask one to another. To pull up to continue in people sharing the history with each other. Based on the insane data base of our own internal feelings. To later use our own conversations. To set up or play back; it's original content & messages. On a different day,  same or different audience; in life. How do we approach Ammicable Respect from yesterday? If today is  the same problem trouble of crossing broken bridges; with each other. Of another hour, again is every human decision being communicated, and what was initiated  at that Time. To cause an immediate human response. 

Who, wants to function in a mindset of fear of one another? The World is  beautiful. If the business on earth; is reconciled of these human differences. If not an attempt to salvage a solution. That works towards the change; for some stability. Regarding human differences. Once it's figured out why timing is Always on time. Even in the adversity of life. All these tedious human secrets; no longer exist. Why, the same secrets are the scars in the living left here on earth. Now what happens in the real World. If real time responses to every Statute of Limitations. awaits the Judges & Juries in being human. To process over, and over again, the human history. In what Created the Conflict here on Earth. Without the upkeep in intervention is mankind; ability in consistency of Resolutions. Of All People who could restore; the way we cohabitate. On Earth is of occupancy. Of All in the residency? We just don't mentally accept; no human owns another human being in this world.

Originally time tracts the World. Created of 4 corners; of Society in People. Watching the Cohabitations of All types in Associations. 'That never happens over here'. Of what for generations has been in Existence. Of every human in every Community is Civilization. Around an algorithm that influences; the formula. That eventually expands into universal conversations. 'Never let no know one, make a fool of you my only beloved SON'. Knowledge is A Freewill. And who, in US of All. Don't Fear on any day of what is Unknown. And who will RUN next. In this course. Run with that Paton; in any Box packaged exist. Then sold back to the world; of what may or not existed of its own existence.

Think, as the search continues for Peace in All.



Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...