Tuesday, September 17, 2024

By Pass

In By Passing the communication. To swim over in the Personal Affairs; information is lost. And so is this human connection between US. In All.

Well let's start with what has to exist for the Platform; to begin with what was negotiated. 

Brain Matter

This Heart

Weakness - Strengths 






The Sheets Tapped

The Text Message & Phone Records 

And the pressure to add to the bloodlines.

Just to start the list. So, one day we don't All answer at the same time. What Happened.

There is a story in The Bible King Solomon! Also reveal his own human history. And Yessss, if we can have All types of man lived reality lifestyles in the world. And justify our own human behaviors to save face of ourselves. God still is the Creator of Heaven & Earth. Including everything & human created for a Purpose. God knows we did not create civilization for the world. From the world of our own human hands.

To the story there is two woman with a child. Arguing about who will sacrifice themselves for the child to live. As this male figure intervenes for Conflict Resolution. The final outcome is the child; must be destroyed. Why, human altercations amongst each other. And you will either discuss, rationalize or justify the human behavior.

Why, because the story is not real. Until it's someone else's story to tell.

Stop asking why, so much suffering on earth..If it's been in the World since the beginning of Human Civilization.

Sons &/Daughters, do not be deceived. We live out lives how we choose. We change our human ways how we choose. Let not one human defame your character in the living or demise. To justify their own face value, to live out in who they also are.

Time will tell the Truth.. About the Issues in this life. No human will hide.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...